
Displaying 11351 - 11360 of 14432

Capital Market - Business Standard,

India’s Ministry of Women and Child Development has proposed a revised set of Guidelines Governing Adoption of Children 2015 effective 1 August 2015.

Paul Kiwuuwa and Henry Sekanjako - News Vision,

The coalitions of Civil Society Organisations (CSO) in Uganda are advocating for an amendment of the Children Act 2015 to promote adoption within Uganda.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) ,

This report presents policy and practice recommendations for the care and protection of unaccompanied migrant children in the United States, based on the wisdom and learning shared by participants in three Roundtable meetings convened by Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS).


PR Newswire,

The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) has released a comprehensive set of policy recommendations for the care and protection of unaccompanied children in the United States.

CPC Learning Network,

On July 23, 2015, at 9am EDT, the CPC Learning Network is hosting a webinar featuring Joanna Wakia, Monitoring and Research Advisor at Retrak, and Charles Gwengwe, Executive Director at Chisomo Children’s Club, to explore the approach followed, to share the initial results and to discuss implications for interventions in Malawi and future research steps.

Disability Rights International,

This report from Disability Rights International (DRI) outlines the findings from a two-year investigation into the treatment of children and adults with mental disabilities in Mexico City, particularly those in the care of state-funded and private residential facilities.


CAFO will be hosting a webinar related to its "Replicable Models of Transition to Family-Based Care," project, set to to air July 22 at 2 pm Eastern Time.

Kristen E. Cheney - Open Democracy,

This article describes the so-called “orphan industrial complex” and the ways in which it harms children, families, and communities in the Global South.

Tulip Mazumdar - BBC News,

This article from BBC News sheds light on the efforts of one man in Sierra Leone, who has since died of the Ebola virus, to provide care to children who have been orphaned by Ebola and to reintegrate them into their communities.

Kelsey Nielsen, Co-Founder of Abide Family Center - Faith to Action Initiative Archives,

This post from the Faith to Action Initiative highlights the work of the Abide Family Center in Uganda, which helps to keep families together.