
Displaying 9411 - 9420 of 14437

Halya Postliuk - Hope and Homes for Children,

This article provides a summary of the findings from the first comprehensive audit of Ukraine’s child protection system, conducted by Hope and Homes for Children. 

Tim O'Brien - The Irish Times,

Improvements to Ireland's Child and Family Agency Tusla’s foster care system - including proper checks, increased social workers and staff, and out-of-hours telephone and emergency support - will be implemented later this year. 

Maya Sharma & Nehal Kidwai - NDTV,

When three missing children living in an Bengaluru orphanage were brought to register for Aadhaar cards (India's resident identification card), it was discovered they already had cards issued in their names. Authorities were able to track their parents using the card, and the children were reunited with their families. 

Sean Callahan, Georgette Mulheir, and Philip Goldman - The CRUX,

Directors of Catholic Relief ServicesMaestral International, and Lumos discuss the negative implications of institutionalizing children and how their proposed project "Changing the Way We Care" will make an impact for the millions of children living outside family care worldwide. 

Kate Lyons - The Guardian,

Tens of thousands of children in Senegal are being forced to beg for food by abusive teachers in Qur'anic schools just one year after government crackdown on the issue. 

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child during the seventy-fifth session (15 May 2017 - 2 Jun 2017) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Joseph Lelliott - International Journal of Refugee Law,

This article explores the protection of smuggled and trafficked unaccompanied minors under the United Nations Protocols against the Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Persons and calls for a more substantive protection-based framework to address the issue. 

UNICEF Tunisie,

UNICEF Tunisie: recherche d'un consortium/institution/bureau d'études pour un appui à la désinstitutionalisation des enfants privés de milieu familial, Projet «Chaque enfant a le droit à une famille».

United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL),

The local council of Bani Walid, Libya has committed to release, rehabilitate and reintegrate children associated with armed groups.

BBC News,

Of 648 unpaid carers surveyed in Scotland, 22 percent said they had not taken one day away from caring in five years.