
Displaying 3671 - 3680 of 14435

Mizeck Chimange & Sue Bond - Children and Youth Services Review,

This qualitative study, conducted in four child and youth care centres in the Tshwane region of South Africa, presents some techniques used by child and youth care workers to develop belonging.

Jamila Begum, Sue Copello, Louisa Jones - Educational Psychology in Practice,

This study reported comprises an evaluation of an Attachment-Centred Parenting (ACP) six session, evidence-based programme developed by the authors.

Laura M. Schwab-Reese, Ida Drury, Heather Allan, and Kasey Matz - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The purpose of this project was to determine if there were differences in learning outcomes between learners who completed child protection training in the usual delivery methods (Pre-COVID) and the fully virtual delivery methods (Post-COVID).

Margaret Wanjiku - The Sun Weekly,

During the induction of Adoption Committee Members at Machakos University on Monday, August 17, 2020, the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary of Labour and Social Protection, Simon Chelugui, made remarks underscoring "the importance of the basic family unit in the nurturing, care and raising of children in society," according to this article from the Sun Weekly.

Elin Hultman, Staffan Höjer, Monica Larsson - Child & Family Social Work,

The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse the notion of age and maturity in child protection proceedings in order to elucidate how these aspects could influence children's rights to participate.

Beth E. Molnar, Samantha A. Meeker, Katherine Manners, Lisa Tieszen, Karen Kalergis, Janet E. Fine, Sean Hallinan, Jessica D. Wolfe, Muriel K. Wells - Child Abuse & Neglect,

For this study, a review of research literature on the epidemiology of vicarious traumatization among child welfare professionals was conducted.

Carolina Øverlien - Child Abuse Review,

In this short report, the author provides insight into the situation of domestic violence refuges in Norway during the spring of 2020 and their concern for their youngest clients.

Sunggeun Park(Ethan), Nathanael J. Okpych, Mark E. Courtney - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The purpose of this study was to inform states’ efforts to better design and implement extended foster care (EFC), examining the impact of the policy change on length of EFC stay and factors associated with youth’s time in EFC.

Beth E. Molnar, Samantha A. Meeker, Katherine Manners, Lisa Tieszen, Karen Kalergis, Janet E. Fine, Sean Hallinan, Jessica D. Wolfe, Muriel K. Wells - Child Abuse & Neglect,

For this study, a review of research literature on the epidemiology of vicarious traumatization among child welfare professionals was conducted.


This brochure from UNICEF presents the results from UNICEF’s Socioeconomic Impact Survey of COVID-19 Response.