
Displaying 7231 - 7240 of 14392

Garance Burke and Martha Mendoza - AP News,

"An Associated Press investigation drawing on hundreds of court documents, immigration records and interviews in the U.S. and Central America has identified holes in the system that allow state court judges to grant custody of migrant children to American families — without notifying their parents," says this article from the Associate Press.

Charles H. Zeanah, Jr.,

This volume examines typical and atypical development from birth to the preschool years and identifies what works in helping children and families at risk.

Christie Renick - The Chronicle of Social Change,

This article describes the history and current status of the US Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), a bill designed to protect indigenous children in the US from being removed unnecessarily from their families of origin.

Deepa Fernandes - PRI's The World,

According to this segment, "there has been a steady increase in the numbers of Aboriginal children removed from their families and placed in out-of-home care over the past decade" and there is an overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in the child protection system in Australia.

Binta Alleyne-Green, Alex Kulick, Sara Matsuzaka, Theresa S. Betancourt - Global Social Welfare,

This study from Global Social Welfare examined the contributions of potentially stigmatizing war violence exposures and more recent post-conflict reintegration experiences to intimate partner violence for girls in Sierra Leone. Overall, this sample reported middling levels of community reintegration, and similar average rates of family reintegration.

Alba Águila‐Otero, Carla González‐García, Amaia Bravo, Susana Lázaro‐Visa, Jorge F. del Valle - International Journal of Social Welfare,

The main goal of this article was to explore the correlates of mental health diseases in a sample of 169 children with intellectual disability (6–18 years old) in residential care in Spain compared with a group of 625 children, also in residential care but without disability.

Alexis M. Silver, Heather Edelblute, Ted Mouw, Sergio Chávez - International Migration,

This study examines family separation within the context of a binational social network.

Kieran Guilbert - Reuters,

The UK parliament held a debate on modern slavery and "several British lawmakers said they would call for the legislation to be updated to account for orphanage trafficking," according to this article from Reuters.

Amanda Watson - The Citizen,

This article from The Citizen discusses the situation of "unsafe abandonments" of infants in South Africa.

Natalie Glynn & Paula Mayock - Child Care in Practice ,

This paper examines young people’s experiences of the aftercare planning process in Ireland drawing on data from the first phase of a qualitative longitudinal study of young people leaving care.