
Displaying 7791 - 7800 of 14390

Mari Hickman, Bashiru Adams, Ghana country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment of Ghana's national alternative care system aimed at supporting the government and its partners in continuing to advance alternative care.

Zulfiya Charyeva, Hasmik Ghukasyan, Armenia country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report, in Armenian, presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at bringing together key stakeholders—decision makers, policy developers, service providers, civil society representatives, and donors—to assess and identify the main care reform areas in which action is needed.

Zulfiya Charyeva, Hasmik Ghukasyan, Armenia country core team - MEASURE Evaluation, USAID,

This report presents the findings of an assessment workshop aimed at bringing together key stakeholders—decision makers, policy developers, service providers, civil society representatives, and donors—to assess and identify the main care reform areas in Armenia in which action is needed.

Global Detention Project,

This annual report from the Global Detention Project presents an overview of its efforts and achievements in exposing the practices and impacts of immigration detention 2017, including the detention of migrant children. 


This document was developed by UNICEF to influence policymakers in the European Union to strengthen their commitment to assisting governments’ transition from institutional care to community-based care in the next Multi-Annual Financial Framework (2021-2027).

Benjamin J. Roth, Thomas M. Crea, Jayshree Jani, Dawnya Underwood, Robert G. Hasson III, Kerri Evans, Michael T. Zuch, Emily E. Hornung,

This paper explores what happens to children separated from their families at the U.S. border with Mexico by examining the nature of the services and programs provided while they are in temporary foster care.

Gillian Schofield & Mary Beek - Coram BAAF,

This comprehensive and authoritative book provides an accessible account of attachment concepts. It traces the pathways of secure and insecure patterns from birth to adulthood, exploring the impact of past experiences of abuse, neglect and separation on children’s behaviour in foster and adoptive families.

Yénika Castillo Muñoz - Malmo University,

This project explores storytelling tools for the collaborative work with persons in vulnerable situation, in this case, a group of unaccompanied minors from Afghanistan living in Umeå, Sweden.

U.S. Children's Bureau,

This bulletin highlights supports and services for kinship caregivers, training for caseworkers and caregivers, and examples of successful kinship care programs.

Emma Martin - Texas A&M Law Review,

This Comment will look first at the mechanics behind rehoming—what it is and where it fits into the legal framework of the child welfare system. Next, it will look at the causes of rehoming, focusing specifically on how trauma in a child’s background can create a need for specialized training techniques. Lastly, it will look at other states’ legislation to combat rehoming and suggest different areas where Texas can improve its child welfare laws to both prevent and deter rehoming.