
Displaying 8461 - 8470 of 14390

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights,

The National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) of India has formulated this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) in order to address gaps in current policy regarding the death of a child in a Child Care Institution (CCI) and the duty of Child Care Institutions to address issues such as escape, runaway or sexual abuse of children in the CCI.

ChildFund International,

This case study from ChildFund's 2018 Impact Report describes the Deinstitutionalization of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (DOVCU) initiative in Uganda, which aims to to improve the safety and well-being of children outside of family care. 

Republic of Kenya,

The guidelines for Case Management and Referral for Child Protection Systems in Kenya is a reference material to guide different actors on how to carry out comprehensive case management and referral and defines the role of the government, civil society organizations, the communities, the family and the child to complement each other.

National Gender and Equality Commission,

As part of its mandate the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) undertook a study whose primary objective is to identify minorities and marginalized communities of Kenya, and outline major issues affecting these communities in all counties.

María Matilde Luna - USAID,

El Modelo de cuidados alternativos contenido en este documento se presenta en una coyuntura social en la que el Estado y la sociedad civil de Guatemala enfrentan el desafío de un cambio necesario.

Uganda Bureau of Statistics,

The sections in this report provide an analysis of Uganda’s disability policy and legislative framework and how it is implemented, and emphasizes the need for sound research for development, including statistics.

Cardiff University and UNICEF,

This study assessed child poverty, deprivation and social service delivery in refugee and host communities in selected districts in the country’s three major refugee-hosting areas: West Nile, a sub-region of Northern region that borders South Sudan; the country’s South West, which borders the DRC and Rwanda; and the capital, Kampala.


The report presents an overview of the Situation of Children and Women in Kenya using the results of the most significant research and analysis between 2014 and 2017 in areas related to the wellbeing of children and women.

UNICEF Rwanda,

This situation analysis provides a timely assessment of progress for children, achievements to date, and remaining challenges and barriers to the realization of children’s rights in Rwanda.


The Nourished and Thriving Children toolkit was designed by SPOON to build capacity among the foster care community in feeding and nutrition topics so that they are equipped to address challenges commonly experienced by foster children.