
Displaying 8581 - 8590 of 14390

National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) & Centre of Excellence in Alternative Care (India),

This User Guide aims to provide a comprehensive approach to the development of a good quality foster care service in India, which will be useful for a range of practitioners.

Veronika Blažková & Daniela Nováková - Street Children: An International Perspective,

This article describes the changes in institutional care in the Czech Republic that were ushered in with the acceptance of the law on the execution of institutional or protective upbringing in 2002.

Capacity Building Center for States - Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

This resource from the Capacity Building Center for States in the U.S. provides guidance on adapting child welfare services to better meet the needs of youth (ages 15 to 24) in care.

Nell Musgrove & Deidre Michell - Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood book series (PSHC),

This book draws on archival, oral history and public policy sources to tell a history of foster care in Australia from the nineteenth century to the present day.

Daniel Hedlund and Lisa Salmonsson - The International Journal of Children's Rights,

This paper explores the research literature relating to the guardianship of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum.

Dorcas Nthenya Mutiso & Dr. Pius Mutuku Mutie - International Journal of Sociology,

The purpose of this study was to assess the challenges affecting orphans and vulnerable children (OVCS) in Embu County.

Nicole Wilke, Meredith Morgan, and Alisha Pangborn - CAFO,

This resource from the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) has been created for those who care for and about orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), with the aim of helping them empower and equip children and youth toward success and well-being.

Fiona Cram, Min Vette, Moira Wilson, Rhema Vaithianathan, Tim Maloney, and Sarah Baird - New Zealand Council for Educational Research,

This article explores how an approach based on he awa whiria can work in practice in the examination of the efficacy for Māori whānau (families) of the government’s intensive home-visiting programme, Family Start.

Cécile Jeannin - Servicio Social Internacional,

Esta nueva publicación del SSI sobre los fracasos de la adopción internacional tiene como objetivo acompañar y equipar a los profesionales de las Autoridades centrales y competentes y de los Organismos acreditados  para la adopción, las personas adoptadas y los padres adoptivos, para prevenir mejor y manejar las crisis o los fracasos que las familias adoptivas pueden atravesar.

Cécile Jeannin - International Social Service,

This new ISS publication on intercountry adoption breakdowns aims at giving support to adoptees, adoptive parents, professionals from Central Authorities and from other competent authorities, and Adoption Accredited Bodies, in order to prevent and manage the crises, and even breakdowns, faced by adoptive families.