
Displaying 6151 - 6160 of 14390

Arja Häggman-Laitila, Pirkko Salokekkilä, Mirja Satka, Katri Toivonen, Pekka Kekolahti, Olli-Pekka Ryynänen - Children and Youth Services Review,

The aim of this study is to discover how the different factors documented at the time of the custody decision or the placement in out-of-home care are associated with the coping abilities of young adults once aftercare services come to an end.

Manny Fernandez - The New York Times,

This article from the New York Times tells the story of one 7 year-old boy from Honduras, José, who travelled to the US alone, being transported by smugglers from Mexico, to reunify with his mother in the US state of Texas, only to be placed in foster care in New York for 8 months.

Zhongliang Huang & Wenguo Weng - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,

This paper used the latest judgment documents from the court as a new data source, and identified the key nodes and trafficking paths by using a series of network indicators to enhance the public’s understanding of the crime mechanism of child trafficking.

Rebecca Thorburn Stern - The International Journal of Children's Rights,

This article aims to unpack the reasons that Sweden's incorporation of legal measures to secure the rights recognised in the Convention on the Rights of the Child has been the subject of a lengthy and contentious debate.

Sam Turner - The Howard League for Penal Reform,

This guest blog post for the Howard League, written by Sam Turner of the charity Become, explores what care-experienced young people in the UK have told the charity about their interactions with the police.

Wendy Muperi - The Christian Science Monitor,

This article from the Christian Science Monitor describes the Zimbabwean government's efforts to promote domestic adoption amidst "the twin crises of HIV/AIDS and a massive economic decline," which have left many children without adequate parental care, and some of the obstacles to building up domestic adoption in the country, including cultural taboos.

Carlson, L, Melia, Yvonne and Priest, Helena - Child and Family Social Work,

This review aimed to identify, appraise and synthesise published literature concerned with the reunification of looked after children with their birth parents in the UK. 

Maha Almuneef, Hassan N. Saleheen, Fatimah Al Shehri, Majid A. Al-Eissa - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The goal of this study was to assess the child maltreatment (CM) prevention readiness (CMPR) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in regard to implementing large-scale, evidence-based CM-prevention programs. 

Imelu G. Mordeno, I Marie Joy S. Gallemit, Sittie Shayuri B. Lantud, Brian J. Hall - The Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,

The present study examined the association between family resources and mental health as mediated by personal psychological resources (PPRs) for left‐behind children (LBC).

Save the Children Cambodia,

The Associate Technical Director, Child Protection will lead the Family Care First (FCF) technical team and support and advise the Chief Party across all technical child protection and welfare issues on FCF.