
Displaying 6641 - 6650 of 14392

Faith C. Summersett, Neil Jordan, Gene Griffin, Cassandra Kisiel, Hayley Goldenthal, Zoran Martinovich - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to distinguish youth in the child welfare system who became involved with the justice system from youth who did not become involved with the justice system based on the youth's protective factors and their caregivers' parenting skills.

Mark Canavera, Bree Akesson, Debbie Landis, Miranda Armstrong, Elizabeth Meyer - International Journal of Social Welfare,

This article presents the results of a systematic mapping of social work training programs in countries throughout West Africa, a region historically under‐represented in global discussions of the social welfare workforce.

Tom Wall - The Guardian,

"More and more children as young as 16 are being housed alone in bed and breakfast rooms, bedsits and even caravans by local authorities that are struggling to cope with rising numbers of youngsters in the care system," according to this article from the Guardian.

Balwant Godara, Nihaalini Kumar, Frederique Boursin, Gatienne Jobit, Amara Amara, Thierry Agagliate - Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development,

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) are increasingly, and increasingly effectively, being used in development and humanitarian work. Whereas health and education lead this use, application to child protection remains sparse and ill-understood. This paper helps address these two gaps.

Mary Elizabeth Collins & Judith C. Scott - Children and Youth Services Review,

This analysis examines both historical and contemporary approaches to addressing religion and race in child welfare policy and practice, with a particular focus on adolescent youth.

Yufeng Ouyang, Jiaojiao Zou, Meimei Ji, Yefu Zhang, Tong Yuan, Lina Yang, and Qian Lin - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

This study evaluated the health service needs of left-behind children ages 3-5 years old in Hunan Province, China.

Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies & University of Nigeria Department of Social Work,

The First International Conference of the Department of Social Work, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, with the theme “Emerging and Contemporary Social Issues: The place of Social Work Education and Practice in Nigeria” was held 10-13 September 2018 and included 96 oral presentations of papers by delegates from across the country. Several papers focused on illegal adoptions of children in Nigeria and the role of social workers in addressing this practice.

Valerie L’Herrou - Richmond Public Interest Law Review,

This article by staff attorney for family law and child welfare at the Virginia Poverty Law Center's Center for Family Advocacy, Valerie L’Herrou, outlines and analyses several new bills introduced by the Virginia General Assembly in 2018 and their impacts on young people aging out of the foster care system and family reintegration.

Laura Simoila, Erkki Isometsä, Mika Gissler, Jaana Suvisaari, Eila Sailas, Erja Halmesmäki, Nina Lindberg - Psychiatry Research,

This study investigated out-of-home placements in Finland among children with a biological mother having schizophrenia, and their relation to maternal characteristics and adverse perinatal health outcomes of the offspring.

Hanna Björg Sigurjónsdóttir, Robin Harwick, James Rice - International Social Work,

Building on discourse analyses of custody deprivation cases, the authors of this paper call for greater understanding of how disability intersects with parenting and the need for an improved support system.