
Displaying 7001 - 7010 of 14393

Katharine Hall and Winnie Sambu - South African Child Gauge 2018,

This chapter from South African Child Gauge 2018 describes the demographics of children's household living arrangements in South Africa, including details on orphaned children.

Katharine Hall, Linda Richter, Zitha Mokomane & Lori Lake (Eds) - Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town,

This thirteenth issue of the South African Child Gauge® focuses on children in relation to families and the state, both of which are central to providing for children and supporting their development.

Katharine Hall - The Conversation,

"Kinship care is a widespread and customary practice in South Africa, as it is elsewhere in southern Africa," says this article by Kath Hall. The laws that support families in the country, however, do not always take these practices into account.

Naomi Larsson - The Guardian,

This article from the Guardian shines a light on the poor conditions found in many children's home for children with disabilities in Kenya.

Avani Shah, Shawn Jeffries, Leah P. Cheatham, Will Hasenbein, Misty Creel, Debra Nelson-Gardell, Nysthesia White-Chapman - Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,

This comprehensive narrative review identifies the use of motivational interviewing (MI) in child welfare (CW), the outcomes of MI use and the gaps in the literature.

Katherine L. Guyon-Harris, Kathryn L. Humphreys, Nathan A. Fox, Charles A. Nelson, Charles H. Zeanah - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The aim of this study is to examine associations between signs of reactive attachment disorder (RAD) and disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED) and social functioning in children with a history of institutional rearing in early adolescence.


This video presents the work of the FARE family strengthening program in Uganda to prevent separation of families and reintegrate children who are separated from their families, including the story of one young person and his family who were impacted by the program.

Eddie Ngaluafe - Griffith News,

"Griffith Law School lecturer Kate van Doore has used her keynote speech at the Trust Conference to encourage others to put an end to ‘orphanage tourism," according to this article from Griffith University.

Liang Li, Yang Y. Sheng, and Xiao Q. Guo - Frontiers in Psychology,

The authors of this study decided to perform two investigations to determine if university students with left-behind experience (USWL) might possess unique positive psychological capital factors.

Eddie Ngaluafe - Griffith News,

"Griffith Law School lecturer Kate van Doore has used her keynote speech at the Trust Conference to encourage others to put an end to ‘orphanage tourism,'" says this article from Griffith News.