
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 37.78 million
  • Population under 15 years: 48%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 59 years
  • Human Development Index: 163 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Low income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 7.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.9 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 29.5%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 40%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2011

Displaying 9351 - 9360 of 14391

Georgette Mulheir, Janet Scardino, and Kathleen Strottman - Huffington Post,

On 18-19 July 2017, a diverse range of leaders will convene in New York for Children Count: Closing the Data Gap to develop recommendations for how governments can be supported to collect accurate data on children outside family care to ensure no child is left behind. 

Juergen T Steinmetz - eTurboNews,

The Headquarters of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) hosted international experts and officials at UNWTO headquarters in Madrid to discuss the persisting issue of the sexual exploitation of children in the tourism industry. 

Naomi Larsson - The Guardian,

The Guardian discusses the repercussions of funding and volunteering in Haitian orphanages, based on the findings from Funding Haitian Orphanages at the Cost of Children’s Rights, a recent Lumos report. 

Andrea Lane Eastman & Emily Putnam-Hornstein - Child Maltreatment,

This study investigated the connection between past child protective services involvement and type of exit from care for youth in probation-supervised foster care. 

The Texas Tribune & Reveal,

This podcast episode of Reveal explores the sexual exploitation and trafficking of children involved in Texas's foster care system. 

Libya Herald,

Libyan municipalities have now begun banning militias from using children under the age of 18. 

Maricel Cruz - Manila Standard,

Rep. Gloria Macapagal has filed a bill entitled "Act Codifying the Alternative Child Care Laws of the Philippines" to address the worsening problem of neglected and “overage children,” who are often labeled unfit for adoption.

Better Care Network ,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child during the seventy-fifth session (15 May 2017 - 02 Jun 2017) of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Diane Taylor - The Guardian ,

Refugee Youth Service 8-week mapping project monitors 22 unaccompanied migrant children on the move in Europe.

You Soo-sun - The Korea Times,

The recent death of a deported Korean adoptee ignites adoptee-led organizations to call on the Korean government to end the "industrialized international adoption" system in South Korea.