Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Displacement

Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of war, and frequently represent at least half of the population in a conflict area. They suffer fear and insecurity, and disruption to every aspect of their lives. Children who have been displaced are at an increased risk of sexual and physical violence, disease and malnutrition, and separation from family members. As displaced persons or refugees they may experience severe poverty, abuse, exploitation, and psychosocial distress. 

Displaying 231 - 240 of 502

SUKA Society, UNHCR Malaysia,

This is a child-friendly summary of a handbook developed specifically to create a Foster Care Programme for unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) within the Rohingya community in Malaysia.

A. K. M. Ahsan Ullah - Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies ,

This paper explores how unaccompanied refugee children from Syria made their way to destination countries and how they become unaccompanied and the consequences of being unaccompanied.

Child Protection Area of Responsibility in Mali and the Global CP AoR,

This review of secondary sources refers to information on child protection risks and violence against children in Mali, collected from 2016 to 2018.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and Better Care Network,

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action and Better Care Network are calling for the prompt reunification of separated children with their families and to provide interim care in accordance with the UN Guidelines for Alternative Care of Children.   

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

Este Seminario en línea ayuda a proveedores, cuidadores primarios y otros involucrados en el cuidado de los niños inmigrantes, a reconocer los efectos de la separación traumática en estos niños a diferentes edades.

Lea-Marie Mohwinkel, Anna Christina Nowak, Anne Kasper, Oliver Razum - BMJ Open,

The aim of this study was to summarise the current evidence regarding gender differences in the mental health of unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) and to identify gaps in research.

Delphine Brun - CARE & Promundo,

With a focus on the situation in Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, and Greece, this report aims to provide a better understanding of the gendered impact of the refugee crisis on unaccompanied adolescent boys, aged 13 to 17, and men, single or living separately from their families; and to highlight actual and potential gaps in the humanitarian response.

World Vision International and It takes a world to end violence against children. ,

The aim of this report is to contribute to finding solutions to ending violence against children on the move.

Bekele Molla and Zena Berhanu - Ethiopian Journal of the Social Sciences and Humanities (EJOSSAH),

This article aims to explore the experiences of Ethiopian unaccompanied and separated migrant children in Yemen.

Save the Children & Fundasil,

El objetivo de este estudio es visibilizar la problemática de la niñez y adolescencia víctima de violencia generalizada en condición de desplazamiento interno en El Salvador.