Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Displacement

Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of war, and frequently represent at least half of the population in a conflict area. They suffer fear and insecurity, and disruption to every aspect of their lives. Children who have been displaced are at an increased risk of sexual and physical violence, disease and malnutrition, and separation from family members. As displaced persons or refugees they may experience severe poverty, abuse, exploitation, and psychosocial distress. 

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National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

Este recurso proporciona consejos para los cuidadores y otros para ayudar a abordar las necesidades de los niños inmigrantes y refugiados que han experimentado la separación traumática.

Matt Dryden - Journal for Deradicalization,

This research collected rare and vital primary data by interviewing practitioners within looked-after children’s, residential, and respite services. The study established that practitioners lacked basic awareness of radicalisation and extremism, the Prevent strategy, and the Channel programme.

Ohad Gilbar, Rami Benbenishty, Miriam Schiff, Rachel Dekel - Children and Youth Services Review,

The first goal of this study was to describe posttraumatic symptoms (PTS) and problems in functioning among foster parents following their exposure to the war. 

Gender-based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) ,

This resource aims to set standards for quality, compassionate care for GBV survivors in humanitarian settings, with particular focus on the provision of case management services.


This research digest is the 8th in the series on adolescence. This edition focuses on protection from violence, health and development & learning. 

Inter-Agency Group,

This report presents a joint NGO roadmap for more fair and humane policies for refugee and migrant youth in Greece.


This report highlights initiatives underway that work towards addressing the care and protection of refugee, migrant and displaced children – initiatives that can be replicated around the world. 

Rachel Rosen, Sarah Crafter, Veena Meetoo - Social Science Research Unit, UCL Institute of Education - University College London,

This pilot project sought to investigate unaccompanied children’s experiences of care, and caring for others, as they navigate the labyrinthine asylum-welfare nexus in the UK.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of Cyprus’s periodic report to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Alessio Fasulo - Save the Children Italy,

As part of the "Children Come First: Intervention at the border" project, Save the Children Italy elaborates and disseminates, on a quarterly basis, a dossier containing quantitative and qualitative information (profiles) relating to migrant minors entering Italy. This dossier contains information relating to the period July-September 2017.