Children and Migration

Millions of children around the world are affected by migration.  This includes girls and boys who migrate within and between countries (usually with their families but sometimes on their own), as well as children ‘left behind’ when their parents or caregivers migrate in search of economic opportunities.  Be it forced or voluntary, by adults or children, migration affects children’s care situations and can entail risks to their protection.

Displaying 391 - 400 of 809

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of Mauritania's initial reports, as well as other care-related concluding observations, ratification dates, and links to the Universal Periodic Review. 

Alexis M. Silver, Heather Edelblute, Ted Mouw, Sergio Chávez - International Migration,

This study examines family separation within the context of a binational social network.

Qianyu Li, Wenxin Zhang, ingxin Zhao - Journal of Health Psychology,

This study examined the effects of grandparent–grandchild cohesion on the cross-lagged associations between depression and cultural beliefs about adversity in a sample of 625 rural left-behind children in China.

Elisa Minoff - Center for the Study of Social Policy,

By examining the roots of policies that separate families and their entanglement with racial prejudice and discrimination, this report makes the case that we must embrace an alternative path.

Adam Avrushin & Maria Vidal De Haymes - Loyola University Chicago Center for the Human Rights of Children,

This report presents findings from a research project to (1) address the knowledge gap on children who are unaccompanied immigrants1 (“CUI”), with its focus on the Chicago metropolitan area, and (2) provide relevant information to stakeholders who can strengthen the systems that support these young people.

Servicio Social Internacional,

El manual es tanto una hoja de ruta para los responsables de la formulación de políticas como una guía diaria para los profesionales que trabajan con niños y niñas en situación de migración: desde los trabajadores humanitarios y el personal de fronteras hasta los trabajadores sociales responsables de la creación de planes individualizados que pongan a los niños y niñas primero.

Paul Rigby, Maria Fotopoulou, Ashley Rogers, Andriana Manta - University of Stirling,

The present research sought to explore the capacity, experience and understanding of local authorities to provide a support system that can best ensure the wellbeing of children, as it has been suggested that outside of the large urban authorities there is limited experience of working with separated children.

Mary Crock and Lenni B. Benson,

Framed around compelling case studies explaining why children are on the move in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Oceania, this book explores the jurisprudence and processes used by nations to adjudicate children’s protection claims.

A. K. M. Ahsan Ullah - Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies ,

This paper explores how unaccompanied refugee children from Syria made their way to destination countries and how they become unaccompanied and the consequences of being unaccompanied.

Asayeberhan Kastro & Karen Dullea - International Social Work,

The focus of this article is on children trafficked or migrating alone from rural areas of the Wolaita zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region to the urban centres of Jimma or Addis Ababa in Ethiopia.