Children with Disabilities

A disability includes a physical impairment such as mobility, hearing, visual, and language difficulties, and developmental delays which affect a person’s behaviour, emotional expression, and learning abilities. It includes mild to severe disabilities, from cerebral palsy, paralysis and amputation, to blindness, deafness, autism, and dyslexia. Children may be born with an impairment, or develop one as a result of disease, abuse, or an injury, e.g. many children are the victims of shootings, bombings, and explosions in conflict affected areas. 

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Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Committee on the Rights of the Child.


In this report, Lumos welcomes actions taken by the Republic of Moldova to prevent child abuse and exploitation during the period between 2011-2015.  Lumos further notes c

Human Rights Watch,

People with psychosocial disabilities (mental health conditions) in Indonesia are shackled or forced into institutions where they often face physical and sexual violence, and involuntary treatment including electroshock therapy, seclusion, restraint and forced contraception. Human Rights Watch examines how people with psychosocial disabilities often end up chained or locked up in overcrowded and unsanitary institutions, without their consent, due to stigma and the absence of adequate community-based support services, including mental health care. 

Save the Children,

This handbook has been developed specifically for Save the Children program staff, implementing partners, and practitioners supporting education programs in any context.


This blog post by UNICEF describes how the Disability Rights Initiative-Cambodia, a joint Australian Government-United Nations program to improve quality of life for children with disability and their families, is having an impact for one family in Cambodia. 

Servicio Social Internacionale,

Este manual proporciona orientación a los profesionales que trabajan con niños con discapacidades en el cuidado residencial. 

International Social Service,

This manual provides guidance to professionals who work with children with disabilities in residential care. 

Service Social International,

Ce manuel fournit des conseils aux professionnels qui travaillent avec les enfants handicapés dans les soins en établissement. 

Human Rights Watch,

In this article, a Human Rights Watch researcher describes her personal experiences meeting adults and children in the Western Balkans who have spent their lives hidden away in institutions because they have a disability. 

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.