Displaying 701 - 710 of 742
This report reviews the faltering progress made in childcare reform across Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union over the 15 years since the ‘orphanages’ of Romania were revealed to the world.
A brief literature review of the key findings of academic research into the effects of institutional care for vulnerable children. Contains information on the negative effects of institutional care.
Report presents and analyzes new research and data around children with disabilities in the region, the effects of institutional care, and the need for family support services.
Reports on the status of children living in residential facilities in Nepal. Includes detailed survey instruments in appendicies.
A situation analysis of children in institutional care that includes policy implications and key recommendations.
This study examined attachment in institutionalized and community children 12 – 31 months of age in Bucharest, Romania.
An informal evaluation of an NGO residential institution in Zimbabwe, based on the opinions of the child residents. Includes recommendations for the improvement of residential care.
Analyzes the state of institutional care in Zimbabwe against the national child protection policy. Focuses on the role of donors in the proliferation of institutional care and strategies to better regulate the development and provision of child protection services.
This report contains an overview of alternative care in Europe, the effects of institutions on children, statistical information and the different approaches of child protection systems within Europe. It includes reforming institutional care, foster care, post-care support, and the role of the social worker.
This research study provides statistical information on institutional care of children under the age of 12 in Brazil. Interviews with institutions and children are conducted, and reasons for separation from family, length of time in care, status of family relationship, religious orientation and financial support of the institutions are highlighted.