Effects of Institutional Care

Institutionalising children has been shown to cause a wide range of problems for their development, well-being and longer-term outcomes. Institutional care does not adequately provide the level of positive individual attention from consistent caregivers which is essential for the successful emotional, physical, mental, and social development of children. This is profoundly relevant for children under 3 years of age for whom institutional care has been shown to be especially damaging. 

Displaying 721 - 730 of 742

Andrew Dunn, Elizabeth Jareg, and Douglas Webb,

This paper outlines the International Save the Children Alliance’s position on residential care. It addresses the proliferation of residential care, its negative impact on children and the need for international attention. The paper presents the work of Save the Children and other agencies in order to highlight relevent issues and to provide a guide for those working with separated children.

Brazilian Association Terra dos Homens (ABTH) and Exola,

This research study provides statistical information on institutional care of children under the age of 12 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Interviews with institutions and children are conducted, and reasons for separation from family, length of time in care, status of family relationship, religious orientation and financial support of the institutions are highlighted.

NGO/UNICEF Regional Network for Children (RNC),

This paper examines the negative impact of institutional care in central eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltics region. It promotes community-based care alternatives and provides statistics. It also includes a list of useful resources addressing orphaned and vulnerable children.

Richard P. Barth ,

A review of institutional care and family-centered care with a discussion of both positive and negative aspects of group care. This review paper is primarily focused on showing the inefficacy of group care and recommending other forms of care such as kinship care and even foster care as options that are more cost effective and better for children’s development.

Jerusalem Association Children’s Homes,

This paper provides a guideline for the implementation of reunification and reintegration programs for agencies providing institutional care for orphans. It outlines the different strategies and activities an organization in Ethiopia used to transition from institutional care to community-based childcare projects.

Glen Miles and Paul Stevenson,

A series that provides a framework for good practice and guidelines for those who work in the area of child development policy. The series delves particularly into residential care and other alternatives of care and makes suggestions for reform by evaluating 6 case studies of good practice examples.

Elayn Sammon,

A study on children with disabilities in the context of family breakdown. Includes overviews and statistics from 10 countries, a call for strengthened family support services, and draft guidelines on how child agencies can better mainstream these issues into their work.

Country report of Rwanda on the situation of children in residential care in anticipation of the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care: New Strategies for a New Millennium, to be held in Stockholm 12 – 15 May 2003.

Ecaterina Stativa,

Report assessing the overall features of children in residential care institutions with consideration for families of origin, gender, socioeconomic status and type of institution.

Nana Araba Apt, Ebenezer Blavo, Stephen Wilson - Center for Social Policy Studies, University of Ghana,

This study was intended to identify existing arrangements surrounding children’s presence in institutional settings, identify legislation that contributes to the institutionalization of children, and make policy recommendations in respect of the opportunities to improve existing arrangements.