Orphanage Tourism, Voluntourism and Trafficking

A growing evidence base has consistently highlighted the negative impact on children of living in institutional care such as orphanages – especially when parents or close family members are still living nearby. The increasing trend in volunteering in or visiting these facilities compounds the issue and the impact on children. Not only does it encourage the expansion of orphanages, but it also makes children vulnerable to abuse in those areas where regulation is lax, creates attachment problems in children who become attached to short-term visitors, and can heighten the risk for unregulated inter-country adoption by well-intentioned volunteers who form a bond with a child and want to take them home.

This section highlights resources focused on international volunteering, tourism, and donations in residential care centres.

Displaying 101 - 110 of 131

James Farley - Friends International,

The aim of this study is to identify the perceptions of potential short-term international tourists concerning children’s residential care in Cambodia.


This short flyer from UNICEF Nepal answers the questions: What is orphanage voluntourism? Are the children in orphanages actually orphans? How can orphanage volunteering be harmful? Why is there greater risk following the 2015 earthquake? What are the risks to children of residing in orphanages? What is the solution for children that are genuine orphans? And how can you help children in Nepal?

Tess Catherine Guiney - Thesis, Doctor of Philosophy, University of Otago,

This thesis explores orphanage tourism within the context of Cambodia, adopting a critical geography approach to investigate the intricate and contentious aspects of tourism within this space.

Tess Guiney & Mary Mostafanezhad - Tourist Studies,

Taking a Polanyian political economy approach, this article illustrates how the emergence of and response to the orphanage tourism industry represent, in Karl Polanyi’s words, a ‘double movement’ between the neoliberalization of orphanages and the corollary protective countermovement by antiorphanage tourism campaigns that challenge the industry’s morality and legitimacy.

Better Volunteering, Better Care Initiative,

Collected viewpoints on international volunteering in residential care centres Country focus: Nepal is a document devloped by the Better Volunteering Better Care Intiative

Collected viewpoints on international volunteering in residential care centres Country focus: Cambodia is a document developed by Better Volunteering Better Care Intitative

Better Volunteering, Better Care Initiative,

Better Volunteering Better Care: Current activity and initiatives is a document developed by the Better Volunteering Better Care Intiative

Better Volunteering, Better Care,

Collected viewpoints on international volunteering in residential care centres Country focus: Ghana is a documented that was developed by the Better Care Better Volunteering Intiative

Collected Viewpoints on International Volunteering in Residential Care Centres: An overview is a document that was produced by the Better Volunteering Better Care Intiative

Better Volunteering, Better Care Initiative,

This report is one of the documents developed by Better Volunteering Better Care Intiative.