Child Participation

Children have the right to participate in matters affecting their lives and should be enabled to give their opinions, and to have those opinions taken into account. Through participation, children learn self-expression, empowerment and ultimately greater self-esteem.  Children are a diverse group and therefore children of different ages, abilities, backgrounds, races, and both genders should ideally be included in a consultation process.

Displaying 71 - 80 of 354

Elin Hultman, Staffan Höjer, Monica Larsson - Child & Family Social Work,

The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse the notion of age and maturity in child protection proceedings in order to elucidate how these aspects could influence children's rights to participate.

Better Care Network and SOS Children's Villages International,

In this webinar, hosted by Better Care Network and SOS Children's Villages International, panelists - including careleavers who served as co-trainers in the Leaving Care project - discussed the training, building a supportive network for care leavers, and the support needed to ensure that the rights of young people in alternative care are respected and that they are prepared for an independent life.

Jo‐anne Harkin, Lisa Stafford & Chez Leggatt‐Cook - Child & Family Social Work,

This article reports on initial research from a survey study to describe the current state of play from practitioners into their perceptions and practices of children's participation in family support contexts.

Amy M. Salazar, Sara S. Spiers, Francis R. Pfister - Journal of Youth Studies,

This study aims to answer two research questions: a) How do youth and staff/professionals define/conceptualize authentic youth engagement (AYE)? and b) What are youths’ and staff/professionals’ recommended strategies for authentically engaging youth? Thirty stakeholder interviews (15 youth, 15 staff/professionals) and 81 surveys (46 youth, 35 staff/professionals) were completed.

Amy M. Salazar, Sara S. Spiers & Francis R. Pfister - Journal of Youth Studies,

This study aims to answer two research questions: a) How do youth and staff/professionals define/conceptualize authentic youth engagement (AYE)? and b) What are youths’ and staff/professionals’ recommended strategies for authentically engaging youth?

World Vision,

This child-led research initiative was conducted under the umbrella of World Vision’s DEAR project (Development Education and Awareness Raising) and the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030. The study explores explore SDG 16.2, the goal that focuses on the issue of ‘abuse, exploitation, trafficking, and all forms of violence against and torture of children’.

Sunggeun (Ethan) Park, Jenna Powers, Nathanael J. Okpych, Mark E. Courtney - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study uses a representative sample of foster youth to investigate youth-level and county-level predictors of youths’ roles in their transitional independent living plan (TILP) development and satisfaction with the care decision meetings.

Elisabetta Biffi & Chiara Carla Montà - Documentation in Institutional Contexts of Early Childhood,

This paper, by drawing on the different meanings held by documentation in ECEC contexts, in terms of viewing it as ‘equipped with agentic power’ (Alasuutari and Kelle 2015) reflects on the meanings of (pedagogical) documentation in alternative care settings, as a transitional space between ‘being spoken for’ and ‘speaking for oneself’, in light of a rights-based and pedagogical framework.

Madelaine Smales, Melissa Savaglio, Susan Webster, Helen Skouteris, Bengianni Pizzirani, Renee O'Donnell, Rachael Green - Children and Youth Services Review,

This systematic review aimed to explore if and how the voices of young people in out-of-home care (OoHC) are represented in research examining their health.

Philip Mendes, Jacqueline Z Wilson, Frank Golding - The British Journal of Social Work,

This article, an auto-ethnographic collaboration between a social work professional and two care leavers, aims to address the problems with records compiled by care workers, social workers and other relevant personnel by constructing a ‘virtual archive’ consisting of several hypothetical records compiled in the style typically employed by caseworkers, which are then critiqued by the care leavers.