Ending Child Institutionalization

The detrimental effects of institutionalization on a child’s well-being are widely documented. Family based care alternatives such as kinship or foster care, are much more effective in providing care and protection for a child, and are sustainable options until family reunification can take place. The use of residential care should be strictly limited to specific cases where it may be necessary to provide temporary, specialized, quality care in a small group setting organized around the rights and needs of the child in a setting as close as possible to a family, and for the shortest possible period of time. The objective of such placement should be to contribute actively to the child’s reintegration with his/her family or, where this is not possible or in the best interests of the child, to secure his/her safe, stable, and nurturing care in an alternative family setting or supported independent living as young people transition to adulthood. 

Displaying 11 - 20 of 677

Uduyan Care,

Martin Punaks discusses effective advocacy campaigning in this episode of Care Conversations.

Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization (GC-DI),

Disability Rights International, as part of the Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalisation (GC-DI), organized a series of thematic workshop on the UN Guidelines on Deinstitutionalization, including in emergencies.

Udyan Care,

Dr. Monisha Nayar Akhtar, a leading child psychologist and psychoanalyst talks to host Dr. Kiran Modi about the support institutionalised children need in the form of a nurturing family unit.

Ni Luh Putu Maitra Agastya, Sarah Wise, Margaret Kertesz, Santi Kusumaningrum,

This study aimed to investigate the state of transformation of the child welfare service providers for neglected children in the City of Bandung as a parameter to understand the progress of the deinstitutionalization process in Indonesia.

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

This brief contains high-level guidance and recommendations for policy and decision-makers and development partners to consider in designing frameworks to scale up, coordinate and support the transition of individual residential care services.

Changing the Way We Care,

This study analyzes statistical data on the institutionalization of children aged between 0-6 years; examines current practices of prevention, identification, assistance, referral, and placement in institutions and family based alternative care; evaluates the knowledge and attitudes of professionals and decision makers and outlines recommendations for the development and introduction of a moratorium on placing children aged between 0-6 years in residential care.

European Disability Forum,

У рамках цього процесу Міністерство соціальної політики України об’єднало зусилля з широким колом представників громадянського суспільства для проведення п’ятиденного навчання та інтенсивного стратегічного планування деінституціалізації протягом квітня та травня 2023 року. У цьому документі представлені ключові висновки та рекомендації, зроблені під час п’ятиденного обміну думками та стратегічного планування. Ми сподіваємося, що ці рекомендації стануть основою для процесу стратегічного планування уряду, а також допоможуть донорам визначити свої пріоритети. Всі учасники висловили побажання, щоб цей захід став «останнім поштовхом» до повної трансформації системи догляду та виховання та назавжди поклав край інституціалізації дітей в Україні. 

European Disability Forum,

During April and May 2023, the Ukrainian Ministry of Social Policy joined forces with a broad range of civil society actors to facilitate five days of learning and intensive strategic planning on deinstitutionalization. This document presents the key findings and recommendations from those five days of exchange of ideas and strategic planning. It is hoped that these recommendations will inform the government’s strategic planning process, as well as providing insight for donors to inform their priorities.

UISG Catholic Care for Children,

This regional portrait describes Catholic-sponsored care for children in Eastern Africa using data from Kenya, Malawi, Uganda and Zambia. The first large study of its kind, it focuses on children who are particularly vulnerable—those at risk of or those who have been separated from their families. Many are in institutional care. This portrait also describes growing efforts, led by women and men religious, to ensure children can grow up in safe, nurturing families or family-like environments rather than institutions.

National Network for Children,

National Network for Children (NNC) released its monitoring Report Card 2023 which evaluates the progress of Bulgarian state care institutions in eight areas – Child participation, Child Welfare, Family Environment and Alternative care, Protection from all forms of Violence, Child Justice, Early Childhood Development, Child Health, Education, Sport, Culture and Leisure.