Social Protection Policies and Programmes

Poverty affects both the quality and length of children’s lives, reduces the ability of families to adequately provide for their children, and is a significant cause of family breakdown and child separation. Social assistance programmes aim to reduce child poverty and act as a safety net for families with minimal resources.

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In this Innocenti Podcast, Tia Palermo discusses The Transfer Project, a government run large-scale social cash transfer program in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child,

The Africa’s Agenda for Children, to be adopted by the Committee, presents measurable goals and priority areas  to which the African Union and its Member States commit themselves for the coming 25 years.  

Dr Ian Milligan, Mr Richard Withington, Dr Graham Connelly, Dr Chrissie Gale - European Union, CELCIS, SOS Children's Villages,

This desk review provides a brief mapping and summary of existing knowledge on alternative care and deinstitutionalisation in Africa. 

Dufour, Sarah; Lavergne, Chantal; Gaudet, Judith; Couture, Dominique -- Canadian Psychology/Psychologie Canadienne,

This study underscores the fact that visible minority families receiving child protective services are a far from homogeneous group and that there are a number of effective methods that can be used with them.

Julie A. Tippens - Qualitative Health Research,

This article examines how urban Congolese refugees in Kenya promote psychosocial well-being in the context of structural vulnerability. 

Steven D. Cohen - Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This paper explores the ways that developmental science can inform and strengthen the child welfare system to better support the children, families, and communities it serves. 

Edited by Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa, Nicola Hypher, Natalia Winder Rossi, Paul Winters, and Jennifer Yablonski – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The United Nations Children’s Fund, and Oxford University Press,

This book published jointly by FAO, UNICEF, and Oxford University Press presents the findings from evaluations of the Transfer Project, a cash transfer project undertaken in the following sub-Saharan African countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.  It concludes that cash transfers are becoming a key means for social protection in developing countries. 

Rapporteur; Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally; Board on Global Health; Board on Children, Youth, & Families; Health & Medicine Division; Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences & Education; National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine,

To examine the science, economics, and politics of investing in the health, education, nutrition, and social protection of children at the margins, the Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally (iYCG Forum) held a workshop in Prague, Czech Republic, on November 3–4, 2015, titled, “Reaching and Investing in Children at the Margins.” This report summarizes the workshop and highlights the key learning from the event.

Irene K. Munga - Chief Social Welfare Officer, Department of Social Welfare, Zambia,

This presentation from the Department of Social Welfare, given at the Zambia National Consultation to Accelerate Care Reform, describes the Zambia Law Development Commission and its work, discusses the need to integrate social protection with child protection to meet the needs of vulnerable children and families in Zambia.

Republic of Zambia: Ministry of Community Development , Mother and Child Health & Department of Social Welfare,

This brochure outlines the Public Welfare Assistance Scheme, including its objectives, types of assistance provided, social and educational support provided, eligibility and how to access services.