Adoption and Kafala

Adoption is the formal, permanent transfer of parental rights to a family other than a child’s own and the formal assumption by that family of all parenting duties for the child. Where a child’s parents are living and their parental rights have not been terminated, they must provide informed consent for adoption. In some countries it is not culturally acceptable to give the parental rights to a non-family member, and therefore alternative long-term care options must be pursued e.g. kinship care. In some Islamic countries, the term ‘Kafala’ in Islamic law is used to describe a situation similar to adoption, but without the severing of family ties, the transference of inheritance rights, or the change of the child’s family name.   


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Femmie Juffer Jesús Palacios Lucy Le Mare Edmund J. S. Sonuga‐Barke Wendy Tieman Marian J. Bakermans‐Kranenburg Panayiota Vorria Marinus H. van IJzendoorn Frank C. Verhulst,

This chapter from Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Volume 76, Issue 4 first presents a review of research on the development of adopted children, focusing on meta‐analytic evidence and highlighting comparisons between adopted children with and without histories of early adversity.

Victor K. Groza, Kelley McCreery Bunkers, Gary N. Gamer - Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Volume 76, Issue 4,

Utilizing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, this paper from Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Volume 76, Issue 4 examines critical components and current characteristics of alternative care for children in low‐resource countries.

Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI),

The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s The Way Forward Project brought together a group of international experts to discuss opportunities and challenges facing governmental and non-governmental organization leaders in six African nations (Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, and Uganda) as they work to develop systems of care that serve children in and through their families.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, Kingdom of Cambodia,

This Prakas is intended to define roles and responsibilities of relevant competent agencies and establish procedures, operational guides, and forms to implement the Policy on Alternative Care for Children.

Muslim Women’s Shura Council (August, 2011),

In this position paper, the Muslim Women’s Shura Council considers whether adoption can be possible within an Islamic framework.


Published by UNICEF, the report At Home or in a Home, provides an overview of the major trends and concerns about children in formal care and institutions as well as adoption Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Robert B. McCall - Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,

This chapter presents conclusions, trends, conceptual analyses, hypotheses, and speculations regarding some fundamental issues of research, practice, and policy that are largely unsettled or controversial, regarding children without permanent parental care.

Department for Education, UK,

This document contains the UK National Minimum Standards (NMS) applicable to the provision of adoption services.

Adopt Us Kids,

This resource offers principles to frame an agency's foster care recruitment and retention practices related to siblings.

EveryChild ,

This report examines the impacts of HIV on the care choices of children, exploring how HIV affects whether or not children can remain within parental care, and on the alternative care options open to them.