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This handbook, Moving Forward: Implementation of the ‘Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children,’ is aimed at legislators, policy-makers and decision-makers, as well as professionals and care providers, to support the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009. It explains the key thrusts of the Guidelines, outlines the kind of policy responses required, and describes ‘promising’ examples of efforts already made to apply them in diverse communities, countries, regions and cultures.
This handbook (in German) is designed as a tool for legislators, policy-makers, and all professionals and care providers to support the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009.
This handbook (in Mandarin) is designed as a tool for legislators, policy-makers, and all professionals and care providers to support the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children, endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2009.
Ce manuel est conçu comme un outil pour les législateurs, les décideurs politiques, et tous les professionnels afin de soutenir la mise en œuvre des lignes directrices pour la prise en charge alternative des enfants, approuvées par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies en 2009
Este manual está diseñado como una herramienta para legisladores, responsables de políticas públicas, y todos los profesionales y provedores de cuidados para apoyar la implementación de las Directrices para el Cuidado Alternativo de la Infancia, avalada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en 2009.
Zero to Three, a US based non profit organization working to inform, train and support professionals, policy makers and parents to improve the lives of infants and toddlers, combined the evidence from research on early childhood development with feedback from focus groups with families, friends, and neighbors who act as care givers to develop a range of practical resources to strengthen care practices with children between the ages of 0 and 3.
This 10-page newsletter, translated into English, is issue number two of a series produced by the “Protecting children of Moldova from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation” project, which is implemented by Partnerships for Every Child, the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family of Moldova, and the Ministry of Education of Moldova.
This new study by Parenting in Africa Network (PAN) was conducted in three regions in Kenya (Nairobi, Mombasa and Busia), involving primary care givers of children age 0-8, children participating in Early Childhood Development and Education centers, and stakeholders and professionals involved in skillful parenting and early childhood development.
The objective of this study was to investigate which model of care and support is more appropriate for improving psychosocial and economic security of AIDS orphans in Nepal.
This newsletter, translated into English, is the first of three issues produced by the “Protecting children of Moldova from family separation, violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation” project, which is implemented by Partnerships for Every Child, the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family of Moldova, and the Ministry of Education of Moldova.