Residential Care

Residential care refers to any group living arrangement where children are looked after by paid staff in a specially designated facility. It covers a wide variety of settings ranging from emergency shelters and small group homes, to larger-scale institutions such as orphanages or children’s homes. As a general rule, residential care should only be provided on a temporary basis, for example while efforts are made to promote family reintegration or to identify family based care options for children. In some cases however, certain forms of residential care can operate as a longer-term care solution for children.

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Country report of Russia on the situation of children in residential care in anticipation of the Second International Conference on Children and Residential Care: New Strategies for a New Millennium, to be held in Stockholm 12 – 15 May 2003.

Charles H. Zeanah, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox,

An overview of the largest longitudinal investigation of institutionalized children less than 2 years old ever conducted.

Brazilian Association Terra dos Homens (ABTH) and Exola,

This research study provides statistical information on institutional care of children under the age of 12 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Interviews with institutions and children are conducted, and reasons for separation from family, length of time in care, status of family relationship, religious orientation and financial support of the institutions are highlighted.

Rosemary McCreery,

A statement, by UNICEF for the Stockholm Conference on Residential Care, which recommends a move away from institutional care for children and offers the ‘protective environment’ framework as a solution which encourages protective legislations and policies, public debate, government commitment and the need to listen to the children. The statement includes lessons learned about the issue of children without family care and recommendations for reform.

Professor Kevin Browne and Dr Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis,

This 15-month project aimed to map the number and characteristics of children under three placed in European institutions for more than three months without a parent as this information was previously unknown.

Andrew Dunn, Elizabeth Jareg, and Douglas Webb,

This paper outlines the International Save the Children Alliance’s position on residential care. It addresses the proliferation of residential care, its negative impact on children and the need for international attention. The paper presents the work of Save the Children and other agencies in order to highlight relevent issues and to provide a guide for those working with separated children.

David Tolfree,

A paper discussing the shortcomings of systems in which separated children are placed into residential/ institutional forms of care. It also considers community-based and some other forms of care as alternative approaches to preventing unnecessary separation of children from their families.

Department of Health, UK,

A set of standards for ensuring the welfare protection of children in residential special schools. It includes standards and outcomes relating to children’s rights, protection, and care, as well as staffing, organization and management.

Richard P. Barth ,

A review of institutional care and family-centered care with a discussion of both positive and negative aspects of group care. This review paper is primarily focused on showing the inefficacy of group care and recommending other forms of care such as kinship care and even foster care as options that are more cost effective and better for children’s development.

Department of Health, England,

A set of standards for ensuring positive welfare, health and education in children’s homes. It includes standards and outcomes on planning for care, quality of care, complaints and protection, care and control, environment, staffing, management and administration, and specialist provision.