Residential Care

Residential care refers to any group living arrangement where children are looked after by paid staff in a specially designated facility. It covers a wide variety of settings ranging from emergency shelters and small group homes, to larger-scale institutions such as orphanages or children’s homes. As a general rule, residential care should only be provided on a temporary basis, for example while efforts are made to promote family reintegration or to identify family based care options for children. In some cases however, certain forms of residential care can operate as a longer-term care solution for children.

Displaying 291 - 300 of 1481

Emily DeLacey, Cally Tann, Nora Groce, Maria Kett, Michael Quiring, Ethan Bergman, Caryl Garcia and Marko Kerac - PeerJ,

This review from PeerJ aimed to evaluate currently available data on the nutrition status of children living within institutionalized care.

First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon,

In this video, the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, issues a statement on the publication of the final report of the Scottish Independent Care Review.

Laura Steckley - Children and Youth Services Review,

This first of a two-part paper discusses the first of a two-stage, transatlantic study aimed at identifying and exploring threshold concepts in residential child care.

David Greatbatch and Sue Tate - UK Department for Education,

The UK Department for Education commissioned the research on which this report is based to gain a better overall understanding of the issues around the use of unregulated and unregistered provision for looked after children (LAC) and care leavers.

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Department for Social Protection, Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

The purpose of the situational analysis is to provide a snapshot of Charitable Children’s Institutions (CCIs), other private childcare institutions and Statutory Children’s Institutions (SCIs), and the children living in them in Kiambu County, Kenya.

Meaghan Vosz, Lynne McPherson, Natalie Parmenter, Kathomi Gatwiri - Australian Childhood Foundation Centre for Excellence in Therapeutic Care & Southern Cross University,

This brief addresses issues in young people’s participation in decision-making in residential care in Australia.

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Department for Social Protection, Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

This toolkit is developed for use by the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) and its partners engaged in care reform in Kenya. The tools herein are designed for a rapid situational analysis of children’s care institutions/statutory care institutions (CCI/SCIs) and the children living in them, and as a complement to any information already existing in the child protection information management system (CPIMS) or other government endorsed data.

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Department for Social Protection, Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

The purpose of the situational analysis is to provide a snapshot of Charitable Children’s Institutions (CCIs), other private childcare institutions and Statutory Children’s Institutions (SCIs), and the children living in them in Kisumu County, Kenya.

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Department for Social Protection, Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

The purpose of this situational analysis is to provide a snapshot of charitable children’s institutions (CCIs), other private childcare institutions and statutory children’s institutions (SCIs) in Kenya, and of the children living in them.

Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Department for Social Protection, Department of Children's Services - Republic of Kenya,

The purpose of the situational analysis is to provide a snapshot of Charitable Children’s Institutions (CCIs), other private childcare institutions and Statutory Children’s Institutions (SCIs) and the children living in them in Kilifi County, Kenya.