Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.
This post from World Vision marks the launch of the new ‘Civil Society Compact' (CSO Compact), which "sets out a pathway for change to help eliminate orphanages worldwide."
On the occasion of the Global Disability Summit, the UK Government became the first major donor of its kind to explicitly commit to promoting family and community-based care for all children.
In this blog post, Martin Punaks of Lumos explains some of the implications of the recent US Government Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report's recognition of orphanages as "a destination point for trafficked children, which historically has never been acknowledged before."
The Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law has filed a report in a U.S. federal court containing more than 200 accounts of abuse and "horrific conditions" faced by migrant children and their parents in Border Patrol stations, Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities and detention centers, according to this article from the Huffington Post.
In this video, the BBC's Sally Nabil met one of the children of foreign IS fighters left behind in Libya, Jumana, and the grandparents longing for her return.
In this piece for the Chronicle for Social Change, Bianca Wilson, a senior scholar of public policy at the UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute, argues that there is a need to collect data on the number of LGBTQ youth in the US child welfare system.
In this article, Glen Casel - CEO of Community Based Care of Central Florida - makes a connection between the current family separation crisis at the US border with Mexico and the family separations that occur in the US child welfare system.
This article in E-International Relations by Kate Van Doore and Rebecca Nhep discussed the issue of how Australia contributes to modern slavery through ‘orphanage trafficking' and its inclusion in the Parliamentary Inquiry on Modern Slavery.
According to this article from Trinidad and Tobago Newsday, the Children Authority in Tobago plans to regularize foster care and promote kinship care in the country.
According to this article from Newsweek, children as young as one year old who have been separated from their parents at the U.S. border with Mexico have been ordered to appear in immigration court alone.