This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
Key Stakeholders
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Drivers of Institutionaliziation
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Key Data Sources
Add New DataPrevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
Social Protection and Disability in Kenya
Kenya Social Protection Sector Review
Country Care Review: Kenya
Child Developmental Disabilities, Caregivers’ Role in Kenya and Its Implications on Global Migration
Research findings on Alternative care system in Kenya for children without parental care
Charitable Children Institutions in Kenya: Factors Influencing Institutionalization of Children
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by consultants with Maestral International.
Displaying 271 - 280 of 414
MWENDO, a Kenyan Community Based Organization (CBO,) has launched a 5 year child protection program in 15 Counties, according to this article from Kenya News Agency.
Samburu County, Kenya will not be renewing the registrations of several children's institutions in the county and the County Children Co-ordinator Jane Kabiro is calling on the Samburu government to develop a child protection unit.
The guidelines for Case Management and Referral for Child Protection Systems in Kenya is a reference material to guide different actors on how to carry out comprehensive case management and referral and defines the role of the government, civil society organizations, the communities, the family and the child to complement each other.
As part of its mandate the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) undertook a study whose primary objective is to identify minorities and marginalized communities of Kenya, and outline major issues affecting these communities in all counties.
The report presents an overview of the Situation of Children and Women in Kenya using the results of the most significant research and analysis between 2014 and 2017 in areas related to the wellbeing of children and women.
These Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been developed based on current, evidence-based practices to facilitate joint action by all health actors to effectively respond to child sexual violence in Kenya.
Reframing Early Childhood Development and Learning is a communications toolkit for building public support in Kenya for better child development policies and programmes.
The objective of this study was to establish the types of abuse experienced by adolescents with mild and moderate symptoms of anxiety disorder and living in charitable children’s institutions (CCIs).
The purpose of this study was to assess the challenges affecting orphans and vulnerable children (OVCS) in Embu County.
This report presents the preliminary findings from an ongoing project undertaken by 4Children that seeks to identify key opportunities to incorporate violence prevention and response interventions within priority PEPFAR Program Areas at clinical and community levels.