This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
Key Stakeholders
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Drivers of Institutionaliziation
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Key Data Sources
Add New DataPrevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
Social Protection and Disability in Kenya
Kenya Social Protection Sector Review
Country Care Review: Kenya
Child Developmental Disabilities, Caregivers’ Role in Kenya and Its Implications on Global Migration
Research findings on Alternative care system in Kenya for children without parental care
Charitable Children Institutions in Kenya: Factors Influencing Institutionalization of Children
Data for this country care snapshot was contributed by consultants with Maestral International.
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This report examines what family means to children and adults in the following countries: Brazil, India, Guyana, South Africa, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Kenya. The storytellers use evidence from 59 short films made using digital storytelling technique.
In this chapter of Global Perspectives, Stephen Ucembe uses his personal experiences and his experiences as a social work professional to discuss institutional care in Kenya. This chapter covers the factors that influence institutional care of children in Kenya, international aid, volunteerism, and the negatives of institutional care.
The case study is part of a UNICEF global initiative, undertaken in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada to document national child protection frameworks in five core programming countries: Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Senegal and the United Republic of Tanzania.
This paper uses two approaches to understand the phenomenon of proliferation of children's institutions in Kenya.
This literature review explores current international and selected national policy on independent living arrangements and examines the evidence of good practice from existing independent living programmes for care leavers in order to assess how both of the above can be applied to street-connected children.
This video is presented by Better Care Network and UNICEF. It tells the story of Maureen, a young girl in Kenya who was separated from her family and sent to live in a children's home. The video also features interviews with experts, including those who have lived in children's homes, explaining some of the negative impacts of institutionalization and highlights the efforts of care reform initiatives to deinstitutionalize children in Kenya.
This video is presented by Better Care Network and UNICEF. It tells the story of Maureen, a young girl in Kenya who was separated from her family and sent to live in a children's home. It also features interviews with experts, including those who have lived in children's homes, explaining some of the negative impacts of institutionalization and highlights the efforts of Care Reform Initiatives to deinstitutionalize children in Kenya and Ghana.
This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Kenya, extracted from the 2003 DHS survey.
This article describes the so-called “orphan industrial complex” and the ways in which it harms children, families, and communities in the Global South.
PAN is embarking on an evaluation on the efficacy of Group Triple P methodology as a parenting training approach, in the African context. PAN is looking for consultants with the capacity to undertake the entire evaluation.