This country page features an interactive, icon-based data dashboard providing a national-level overview of the status of children’s care and care reform efforts (a “Country Care Snapshot”), along with a list of resources and organizations in the country.
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Key Data Sources
Add New DataReport on National Assessment of Centres caring for Children with Disabilities in Rwanda
National Integrated Child Rights Policy
Country Care Review: Rwanda
Prevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates
The Way Forward Project Report
Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms in Refugee Camps in Rwanda: An Ethnographic Study
Displaying 41 - 50 of 186
This participant’s handbook relates to Module 3 of the Government of Rwanda’s Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) training programme. It is for Child Protection and Welfare Officers who work directly with children and families on reintegration of children, including children with disabilities from residential institutions.
This training package is primarily for Government of Rwanda’s Child Protection and Welfare Officers who work directly with children and families on reintegration of children (including children with disabilities) from residential institutions.
This operational guidance describes how the Government of Rwanda conducts case management for reintegration of children from residential institutions to family-based care, including children with disabilities.
This paper aims to contribute to the achievement of Target 16.9 under Sustainable Development Goal 16 by analyzing the role of the civil register and the legal underpinnings for identity in four countries: Afghanistan, Georgia, Rwanda, and South Africa. It describes institutional and operational models in each country that support universal registration of births, deaths, and other vital events.
The overall objective of this technical assistance is to increase the understanding of child protection (CP) among health professionals and establish appropriate linkages between health and CP professionals to respond to health emergencies
This paper argues that kinship care – the care of children by relatives or friends of the family – represents the greatest resource available for meeting the needs of girls and boys who are orphaned or otherwise live apart from their parents.
This webinar heard from three of Family for Every Child's member organisations about their programmes to both integrate and reintegrate children on the move.
The overall objective of the consultancy is to support the inclusion of children with disabilities in the de-institutionalization and family-based care and community support and lead the internal and external coordination efforts.
The Research Program on Children and Adversity at Boston College is seeking Research Associates for the Early Child Development & Violence Prevention Home-Visiting Implementaton Science project inn Rwanda.
UNICEF is seeking a senior and well experienced consultant to facilitate the child protection case management situation analysis, including contextually relevant practical recommendations on the development of a national child protection case management framework and system.