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A brief overview of foster care practice in the UK, Australia, South Africa, Uganda, and Tanzania. It includes information and lessons learnt on how caregivers are recruited and trained in these countries, how a child is placed, and how family support services are offered.
Reviews the history, effectiveness, and efficacy of the School Nutrition Programme in South Africa. Conclusions strengthen arguments for programme expansion.
This paper provides an overview of the policy framework and financing of social welfare services in South Africa. Current budgeting and service delivery practices are discussed, as well as obstacles and recommendations for advanced action.
A report on several pilot projects launched by the World Vision and affiliated microfinance institutions to address the association between poverty and HIV. A description of pilot projects in Zimbabwe, Uganda, South Africa and Malawi are discussed.
Outlines key findings of survey conducted to investigate the challenges faced by households caring for OVC in South Africa. Conclusion delineates six potential responses to community needs.
Discusses the interplay between informal and formal safety net mechanisms in supporting orphans and children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS. Includes recommendations for strengthening traditional family and community safety nets weakened by the epidemic.
A review of interventions for orphaned and vulnerable children that focuses on community-supported, home-based care examples. Highlights several models and programs, such as the COPE approach and Village AIDS Committees. Advocates the need for more research-based interventions and evaluation.
A publication by International AIDS Alliance and HelpAge International provides an overview of the issues identified by older people and orphans and vulnerable children themselves; examples of community-based programs that are improving the lives of older people and orphans and vulnerable children; recommendations that will help to prioritize orphans and their carers within HIV/AIDS and wider development policies, programs and research.
This research paper discussed the impact of the South African old-age pension program, or cash transfer, on the health of children living with an eligible recipient. It finds that both gender of the recipient and gender of the child living with the recipient are factors in health outcomes.
This research paper evaluates the impact of the Child Support Grant in South Africa. It finds that while there exists a strong commitment to implementation, the presence of a child’s mother is an important factor in program participation.