South Africa

List of Organisations


Children's Living Arrangements

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Living with Both Parents
DHS 2016
Children living with both parents, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016
Living with One Parent
DHS 2016
Children living with mother, father alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with mother, father dead, Total for children < 18; Children living with father, mother alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with father, mother dead, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016
Living with Neither Parent
DHS 2016
Children living with neither parent, both alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, mother alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, father alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, both dead, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016


Children Living Without Biological Parents

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Both Parents Alive
DHS 2016
One Parent Dead
DHS 2016
Both Parents Dead
DHS 2016

Parental Survivorship

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Children with Both Parents Alive
Children with One Parent Alive
Children with Both Parents Dead

Displaying 71 - 80 of 318

List of Organisations

Kelly, B van Breda, A, Bekoe, J, Bukuluki, P, Chereni, A, Frimpong-Manso, K, Luwangula, R, Pinkerton, J, Ringson, J & Santin, O - SOS Children's Villages, University of Ghana, Queen's University Belfast, University of Johannesburg, Makerere University ,

Given the paucity of research on youth transitioning from alternative care (i.e. care-leaving or leaving care) in Africa, the study sought to develop and test a methodology for a cross-country, comparative study on leaving care in Africa.

Family for Every Child,

In this first event of Family for Every Child's How We Care series, Family Members CINDI (South Africa), Conacmi (Guatemala) and Uyisenga Ni Imanzi (Rwanda) shared their approaches and experiences of providing psychosocial support to children and families during the COVID-19 crisis.

Joyce Hlungwani & Adrian D. van Breda - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes the psychosocial resilience processes that facilitate successful transitioning of young women as they journey out of residential care towards young adulthood.

Eleanor Ross, Leila Patel, Madoda Sitshange and Khuliso Matidza - The Centre for Social Development in Africa (CSDA), University of Johannesburg,

The main purpose of the follow-up evaluation was to assess first, whether participants in the Sihleng’imizi Family Strengthening programmes had retained what they had learned and were able to implement these learnings nine months following termination of the intervention; second, to compare these findings with the control group that had not been exposed to the programme; and finally, to consider the policy implications of combining cash transfers with family care programmes.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child, as part of its How We Care initiative, has developed a series on Psychosocial support for children and families during COVID-19, which highlights different approaches taken by three of its member organizations to providing essential psychosocial support to vulnerable children and families within the context of the pandemic.

Family for Every Child,

This How We Care series explores how Family for Every Child's Members are providing essential psychosocial support to vulnerable children and families within the context of the pandemic.

Emmanuel Grupper, Shachar Shuman - FICE Israel,

FICE Israel decided to initiate a short survey to document and share information about the way different countries handled their policies and practices in residential care facilities during that period. This report presents findings and some conclusions from this primary survey.

Sharron Frood & Edward Purssell - International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences,

This study used empirical data from health and social care professionals and cluster analysis to identify “barriers to” and “recommendations for” providing care and support to children living as AIDS orphans in township communities in Nelson Mandela Bay South Africa.

Ephodia Sebola, Busisiwe Ntuli, Sphiwe Madiba - The Open Public Health Journal,

This study explored the parenting experiences of orphaned youth heading households in resource-constrainted environments.

Emma Janet Campbell & Leon Holtzhausen - Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development,

The aim of this quantitative, inferential research was to investigate how working with vulnerable and abused children and families has an impact on child protection service workers in South Africa.