South Africa

List of Organisations


Children's Living Arrangements

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Living with Both Parents
DHS 2016
Children living with both parents, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016
Living with One Parent
DHS 2016
Children living with mother, father alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with mother, father dead, Total for children < 18; Children living with father, mother alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with father, mother dead, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016
Living with Neither Parent
DHS 2016
Children living with neither parent, both alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, mother alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, father alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, both dead, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016


Children Living Without Biological Parents

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Both Parents Alive
DHS 2016
One Parent Dead
DHS 2016
Both Parents Dead
DHS 2016

Parental Survivorship

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Children with Both Parents Alive
Children with One Parent Alive
Children with Both Parents Dead

Displaying 51 - 60 of 318

List of Organisations

The Prevention Collective,

In this webinar, UNICEF’s Lauren Rumble and Alessandra Guedes describe how violence in childhood is gendered, introduce the links between violence against women and children, and share effective gender-transformative strategies.

Carla Sharp, Paulina Kulesz, Lochner Marais, Cilly Shohet, Kholisa Rani, Molefi Lenka, Jan Cloete, Salome Vanwoerden, Deborah Givon & Michael Boivin - Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology,

The authors of this study conducted a quasi-experimental feasibility trial in South Africa to adapt and evaluate an established year-long semi-structured, manualized video-feedback caregiver intervention (the Mediational Intervention for Sensitizing Caregivers; MISC) for community-based organizations (CBOs) to equip community-based careworkers with the skills to address the mental health needs of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).

Liezl Human - Ground Up,

According to this article from Ground Up, several civil society organisations have urged South Africa's Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, to introduce a Child Support Grant Top-Up for orphans in the care of extended family. 

Rebecca Holmes and Abigail Hunt - ODI,

This paper draws on two case studies – South Africa and Kerala, India – to discuss the gender implications of social protection responses to Covid-19 in 2020.

Centre of Excellence for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems - International Development Research Centre (IDRC),

This paper aims to contribute to the achievement of Target 16.9 under Sustainable Development Goal 16 by analyzing the role of the civil register and the legal underpinnings for identity in four countries: Afghanistan, Georgia, Rwanda, and South Africa. It describes institutional and operational models in each country that support universal registration of births, deaths, and other vital events.

Rika Swanzen and Gert Jonker - Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond,

This study evaluates the experiences from a case study against aspects such as emergency response to vulnerable populations and other sources from the literature to serve as guidelines for the management of an epidemic in a child and youth care centre (CYCC). To help understand the effects of the epidemic on the centre, this article describes experiences in terms of the meeting of needs.

Eleanor Ross and Mmathebe Mampane - Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development,

This qualitative study employed individual interviews to explore the emotional experiences of 15 adolescents placed in foster care.

Keystone Human Services, Inclusion International, SPOON, International Social Service - Burkina Faso, Shonaquip - South Africa, Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs - Vietnam, Auto-reprezentanți - Moldova, International Disability Alliance,

By drawing on the experiences of parents, advocates, NGOs, and public officials, this side event invited discussion on how, through strengthening families and tools for prevention, societies can reduce the number of children being institutionalized. During the event, a panel of experts from the Republic of Moldova, South Africa, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, and the United States explored their experiences around efforts to empower parents and keep children with disabilities with their families.

Keystone Human Services, Inclusion International, SPOON, International Social Service - Burkina Faso, Shonaquip - South Africa, Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs - Vietnam, Auto-reprezentanți - Moldova, International Disability Alliance,

By drawing on the experiences of parents, advocates, NGOs, and public officials, this side event will invite discussion on how through strengthening families and tools for prevention, societies can reduce the number of children being institutionalized.

Gabriela Mejia-Pailles, Ann Berrington, Nuala McGrath, Victoria Hosegood - PLoS ONE,

In South Africa, large increases in early adult mortality during the 1990s and early 2000s have reversed since public HIV treatment rollout in 2004. In a rural population in KwaZulu-Natal, the authors of this study investigated trends in parental mortality and orphanhood from 2000–2014.