Sierra Leone

List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Claudena Skran - The Conversation,

This article reports on the need for local adoption solutions for the children who have been orphaned by Ebola in Sierra Leone.

Tulip Mazumdar - BBC News,

This article from BBC News sheds light on the efforts of one man in Sierra Leone, who has since died of the Ebola virus, to provide care to children who have been orphaned by Ebola and to reintegrate them into their communities.

Michael G. Wessells - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This article examines an alternative approach to child protection which consists of community-driven, bottom-up work that enables nonformal–formal collaboration and alignment, greater use of formal services, internally driven social change, and high levels of community ownership. The article offers a case example of a community-driven program in Sierra Leone.

The Japan Times,

A staff member at a British-run orphanage in Freetown, Sierra Leone has been diagnosed with Ebola, sending over 20 children who resided in the orphanage into quarantine due to their exposure to the virus, according to the article.

David K. Evans and Anna Popova - World Bank ,

This paper combines data on the age distribution of current and projected mortality from Ebola with the fertility distribution of adults in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, to estimate the likely impact of the epidemic on the number of orphans in these three countries.

Amy Maxmen - AlJazeera America ,

Seventeen year-old Haja Umu Jalloh, a survivor of Ebola, has been caring for about 40 children at the St. George Foundation Interim Care Center in Sierra Leone.

Oge Chukwudozie, Clare Feinstein, Celina Jensen, Claire O’kane, Silvia Pina, Morten Skovdal, and Rebecca Smith - Family and Community Health,

This paper reflects on the experiences of Save the Children in implementing a multi-country community-based participatory research (CBPR) program to increase understanding of kinship care in DRC, Nigeria and Sierra Leone.

Faith to Action Initiative,

In light of the world’s largest Ebola epidemic, the Faith to Action Initiative has released an article on its website advising its partners on how to respond to this epidemic and its effects on children’s care.

Rae Ellen Bichell ,

This article discusses the complex consequences Ebola-orphaned children face, particularly the stigma they experience. It describes the challenges social workers face to reunite children with their families


Au moins 3 700 enfants de Guinée, du Libéria et de la Sierra Leone ont perdu un ou leurs deux parents à cause du virus Ebola depuis le début de l'épidémie en Afrique de l'Ouest, selon les estimations préliminaires de l'UNICEF, et nombre d’entre eux sont rejetés par les membres de leur famille qui ont survécu, par crainte de l'infection.