Sierra Leone

List of Organisations

Displaying 31 - 40 of 51

List of Organisations


Au moins 3 700 enfants de Guinée, du Libéria et de la Sierra Leone ont perdu un ou leurs deux parents à cause du virus Ebola depuis le début de l'épidémie en Afrique de l'Ouest, selon les estimations préliminaires de l'UNICEF, et nombre d’entre eux sont rejetés par les membres de leur famille qui ont survécu, par crainte de l'infection.

BBC News,

This article by the BBC highlights the impact of this epidemic on children, including the death of parents and primary caregivers and the struggle to find alternative caregivers in a context of extreme fear of contamination.

Katie Mark - The Guardian,

This video from the Guardian depicts the impact of the Ebola crisis on the foster care system in Sierra Leone.

Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone,

This report documents the developmental journey taken by the Government of Sierra Leone (GSL) towards the protection, promotion and fulfilment of the rights of all of its children as protected by the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).


This study by UNICEF sought to identify key determinants of vulnerability among children –including those affected by HIV and AIDS – that can contribute to developing an improved global measure of vulnerable children in the context of HIV and AIDS. Data from the most recent available household surveys at the time of analysis was used from 11 countries – Cambodia, Central African Republic, Haiti, Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – were pooled.

Chukwudozie, Oge - Save the Children,

This study was undertaken to build knowledge on alternative care practices, especially informal kinship care, prevalent in the West and Central Africa. 

Sierra Leone Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs,

This Strategic Plan for the Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children Affairs (MSWGCA) of Sierra Leone outlines priority critical issues and challenges and key activities/interventions under four strategic areas.

Save the Children,

This report assesses the practice of kinship care within four research countries in the West and Central African region (Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Niger), reflecting upon the widespread use of kinship care.

Save the Children,

This Kinship Care Album was produced as part of a regional participatory research initiative undertaken by Save the Children to build knowledge on endogenous care practices within families and communities, especially informal kinship care. The Album is a compilation of documentation by children who participated in the research, including resource maps, body maps, photos of focus group discussions and observations by child researchers, pictures and letters from children highlighting their experiences of living in kinship care, their views and recommendations about life in kinship care.

Abigail Holman - Save the Children ,

This guide is designed for all staff working on child protection programmes who need quantitative data on knowledge, attitudes and practices related to child protection.