Displaying 11 - 20 of 92

Tree of Life, Fondazione L’Albero della Vita,

The Kenya-Italy “Virtual Exchange Program on Foster Care” aims to create a platform for learning, networking and sharing knowledge and best practices on Foster Care among different government stakeholders, from Kenya and Italy.

The exchange program took place on 5th, 7th and 9th July 2021.


ISPCAN in partnership with Italian country partner, CISMAI, will be hosting the 2021 European Congress in the Rimini Convention Center. The event has been postponed from its original dates (June 22-24, 2020) to June 2021. 

ECDAN, FHI 360, The Lego Foundation, World Health Organization,

In this webinar the speakers discussed the implementation experiences and emerging lessons of COVID-19 response strategies of seven programmes that prioritize nurturing care and early childhood development in their work.

ECDAN, FHI 360, The Lego Foundation, World Health Organization,

In this webinar, panelists will discuss the implementation experiences and emerging lessons of COVID-19 response strategies of seven programmes that prioritize nurturing care and early childhood development in their work.

Ravinder Barn, Roberta Teresa Di Rosa and Theano Kallinikaki - Social Sciences,

Through an analysis of the impact of the pandemic on the Italian and Greek reception systems and social interventions with unaccompanied minors (UAMs), the authors of this study utilised a multiple embedded case study approach within a comparative analysis, to identify key changes in the main services which should be guaranteed to minors—namely, hosting/housing, guardianship, foster care, family/relatives reunification, school integration, language, job training for care leaving, and preparation for leaving care after 18 years.

Marzia Saglietti & Cristina Zucchermaglio - European Journal of Psychology of Education,

This paper analyzes the impact of adults’ interactive moves and strategies on children’s participation and agency at dinnertime in two Italian residential care facilities, one of the most widely used alternative care life-context for children and youth coming from vulnerable families.

Sarah Walker, Yasmin Gunaratnam - Journal of Sociology,

This article is based on ethnographic fieldwork in an Italian reception centre for male ‘unaccompanied minors’. The article examines the political ambivalence of hospitality for young African men as they transition to adulthood and how this is experienced through the intersections of age, gender and race.


UNICEF is seeking a consultant to conduct a mapping of promising and good practices on MHPSS services relevant for migrant and refugee adolescents.

Monya Ferritti and Anna Guerrieri - Educazione Interculturale,

This article, thanks to data collected by family associations, intends to investigate multiple intersectionality of students with adoptive background by highlighting the most important problems, the school’s and healthcare’s interventions to address those problems and the possible additional and complementary actions that can be put into place to encourage inclusion and integration of disabled students with adoptive and ethnically different backgrounds.


This report reflects on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on children. It compiles information gathered from 25 countries across Europe, and provides recommendations for improving public policies in the short and long-term to support better outcomes for children and families, including children in alternative care or at risk of separation.