Hope and Homes for Children,

This video tells the story of Georgi, a boy born with Down's Syndrome in Bulgaria whose parents were told they wouldn't be able to care for him and were encouraged to place him in an orphanage. They placed him in an orphanage and were later supported by Hope and Homes for Children to have him returned to their care.

Centre of Excellence for Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems,

This series of 3 training sessions is based on the newly developed handbook on “Civil Registration, Vital Statistics, Identity Management: Communication for Development targeting CRVS practitioners in LMICs,” which provides guidance on the use of different tools to research, design, implement strategies and measure Social and Behavior Change/ Communication for Development.

Miracle Foundation,

Miracle Foundation's Child-Centered Case Management Toolkit provides hands-on training materials to help you get children safely and permanently into families. For an in-depth understanding of our case management tools and Thrive Scale™ contact safelyhome@miraclefoundation.org.

End Violence Against Children,

This high-level event launched 'Together to #ENDviolence' – a global campaign and Solutions Summit Series to inspire the end violence community and catalyse the political and financial commitments needed to end violence against children at home, at school, online and within communities.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This webinar discussed work that explores how community conditions that strengthen families can be improved.

Aga Khan Foundation, ECDAN, The Lego Foundation, UNICEF,

This webinar highlighted how children with developmental delays and disabilities can have the best chance to not only survive, but also thrive. The webinar delved into the challenges, emerging research from Kenya, and practical country examples from Mozambique, Tajikistan and Peru.

Keystone Human Services, Inclusion International, SPOON, International Social Service - Burkina Faso, Shonaquip - South Africa, Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs - Vietnam, Auto-reprezentanți - Moldova, International Disability Alliance,

By drawing on the experiences of parents, advocates, NGOs, and public officials, this side event invited discussion on how, through strengthening families and tools for prevention, societies can reduce the number of children being institutionalized. During the event, a panel of experts from the Republic of Moldova, South Africa, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, and the United States explored their experiences around efforts to empower parents and keep children with disabilities with their families.

Disability Rights International, Validity Foundation, European Network for Independent Living,

Disability Rights International, Validity Foundation, and the European Network for Independent Living, Youth Network Board hosted a webinar on children with disabilities in adversity as part of the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


This video is a recording of the virtual launch of the data collection protocol on children in residential care, held by UNICEF on 3 December 2020.

Mtoto News, Civil Society Forum to the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children,

This webinar, a side event of the Civil Society Organizations (CSO) Forum organized by the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, features a discussion of the challenges of alternative family and community-based care for children without parental care, with a particular focus on funding and coordination of services.