Family for Every Child,

This webinar heard from three of Family for Every Child's member organisations about their programmes to both integrate and reintegrate children on the move.


Eurochild, in partnership with its national members hosted a webinar series to bring a children’s rights perspective to Europe’s recovery. Questions addressed: What is an ‘economy of well-being’ & why & how does it prioritise children? Why is tackling child poverty a pre-requisite to sustainably exit the crisis? Why and how does protecting children’s rights strengthen our democracies?


This webinar was part of Eurochild’s breakfast webinars to mark World Children’s Day 2020. This webinar looked at the intersection between children’s rights and democracy.


This webinar was part of Eurochild’s breakfast webinars to mark World Children’s Day 2020. The webinar looked at how the European Child Guarantee initiative can help address the growing challenge of child poverty, particularly the deepened economic divides that have resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, and brought the perspective of the Spanish government, which has made the fight against child poverty a particular priority.

World Vision and UNICEF East Asia and Pacific,

More than 100 child participants across East Asia convened with government officials to discuss the increased instances of child violence experienced during COVID-19 at World Vision’s Asia Pacific Child Well-Being Learning Exchange forum on 18 November 2020.

MOOC Taskforce,

Following thousands of comments and responses posted by the 8,000 course participants for the MOOC on COVID-19: Adapting Child Protection Case Management, as well as research and evidence being issued by child protection agencies, three international experts were invited to provide short videos containing advice and opinions of experts in different regions of the world regarding the need to plan for support for children for the evolving situation of COVID-19 and in particular post-pandemic scenario. 

Marinus van IJzendoorn,

This presentation - delivered by Marinus van IJzendoorn at a 18 November 2020 meeting of the Evidence for Impact Working Group, a working group of the recently launched Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform - presents evidence of the harmful impacts of institutionalization on children, demonstrates some of the benefits of deinstitutionalization for getting children back on track, and raises questions about gap-year volunteers working in orphanages.


This webinar was part of Eurochild's breakfast webinars to mark World Children’s Day 2020. Focusing on the economic arguments for investing in children, this webinar also highlighted Finland’s efforts to prioritise children’s rights and why this makes economic sense. 

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This webinar outlined key elements of good practice in supervision and tools that can be used for achieving quality supervision for social service workers.

India Alternative Care Network (IACN),

The India Alternative Care Network (IACN) held a website launch event on 21 October 2020.