
Displaying 14241 - 14250 of 14424

Nana Apt Van Ham; E. Q., Blavo; S. K. Opoku - Department of Sociology, University of Ghana for the Department of Social Welfare and Save the Children Fund (UK),

The chapters featured in this report offer a prognosis on the future of street children and offers recommendations to government and non-governmental bodies on how to help these children.

Apt, N.A. and M. Grieco - RESPONSE and UNICEF, Social Administration, Centre for Policy Studies, University of Ghana,

The sections featured in this report provide case studies of 25 street girls and discussion and conclusions based on these case studies.

David Tolfree ,

Save the Children’s research and analysis of residential care services and the need for alternative non-institutional approaches for children separated from their families. This book examines policy and practices from work in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Eastern and Central Europe.

International Foster Care Organization (IFCO),

A training outline that conveys IFCO values and ethics of practice in foster care services. It provides 13 modules dealing with issues such as the rights of the child, child development, state care, foster care, transition from care, and legal and administrative management of child protection services.

International Foster Care Organization (IFCO) ,

Procedural standards outlining the roles and responsibilities of fsoter care authorities and agencies.

Northern Ireland Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety,

A comprehensive document outlining standards for residential care in Northern Ireland.

International Community,

The Hague Convention puts forward a set of internationally recognized principles to guide states in the area of intercountry adoption.

Marilyn Manuel,

A manual for the establishment of foster care in Romania as an alternative to the institutional placement of children. Addresses the legal framework, policies, processes, responsibilities and administration surrounding creating and maintaining a foster care system.

International Foster Care Organization (IFCO),

Guidelines for foster care, developed by IFCO at a special Working Group Meeting held in Bangkok, Thailand from 1-4 May 1995 in cooperation with the Department of Public Welfare, Bangkok.

Lucy Bonnerjea - Save the Children,

The aim of this guide is to draw together SCF’s recent experience of family tracing.