
Displaying 13591 - 13600 of 14518

Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare Government of the Republic of Namibia,

This report prepared for the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW) with financial support from UNICEF Namibia assesses the country’s capacity to manage alternative care systems for children.

Joint Learning Initiative on Children Affected by AIDS: Learning Group on Families,

This review explores the short- and long-term implications of migration for families in the context of HIV and AIDS, focusing mainly on sub-Saharan Africa.

UNICEF Indonesia ,

Contains guidance on how to develop programs to respond to the psychosocial needs of children affected by emergencies. Includes a training schedule, worksheets, and handouts.

Making Cents International ,

A report from the first-ever Global Youth Microenterprise Conference in 2007. This publication provides insights into the challenges facing youth livelihood development and its benefits for young people and communities.

Save the Children,

A brief illustration of ten economic strengthening tools that can be adapted to address child vulnerability due to HIV/AIDS, conflict, natural disaster, extreme poverty, or other contexts.

Save the Children Alliance,

A guide for training teachers in Southern Sudan on identifying, responding and safeguarding children from abuse, exploitation and violence. It provides guidance for an in-dept 5-day protection course, as well as a 1-day refresher course.

Save the Children Alliance ,

A handbook that identifies and addresses issues of child protection in education in Southern Sudan, and mobilizes communities into action to make schools protective and nurturing learning environments.

Save the Children UK,

Guidance on the development of monitoring and evaluation indicators for child protection, education, health and HIV, and hunger programs.

Casale, M; Drimie, S; Gillepsie, S,

Research study aimed at understanding the meaning of vulnerability and it's impact on parent's future planning for children in the context of poverty in Malawi and South Africa

UNICEF Afghanistan,

Analysis of reunification and reintegration program of 400 children in orphanages