
Displaying 631 - 640 of 14428

Changing the Way We Care,

În perioada ianuarie - iunie 2023, Asociația de Suport Familial de Recuperare Timpurie a Copiilor cu Deficiențe de Auz și Văz ”AudiViz” a realizat un studiu care a avut scopul de a analiza perceptia parintilor și a copiilor/tinerilor cu dizabilitate de auz privind calitatea vietii lor, a serviciilor oferite de autoritățile publice și dacă acestea răspund nevoilor lor sau contribuie la sprijinirea familiei, la reabilitarea şi integrarea socială, educațională.

Changing the Way We Care,

În perioada ianuarie - iunie 2023, Asociația de Suport Familial de Recuperare Timpurie a Copiilor cu Deficiențe de Auz și Văz ”AudiViz” a realizat un studiu care a avut scopul de a analiza perceptia parintilor și a copiilor/tinerilor cu dizabilitate de auz privind calitatea vietii lor, a serviciilor oferite de autoritățile publice și dacă acestea răspund nevoilor lor sau contribuie la sprijinirea familiei, la reabilitarea şi integrarea socială, educațională.

Changing the Way We Care,

Caregivers are at the heart of family-centered care reform efforts. They are the critical link to ensuring that those who need care get it in a way that allows them to thrive. Changing the Way We Care Moldova’s partner, AudiViz, recognizes that caregivers have a wealth of experience that could be harnessed and shared among each other and the larger community.

Task Force on Social Service Workforce in Care Reform,

In collaboration with the Better Care Network (BCN) and the UNICEF Child Protection Division, the Alliance will be facilitating a global task force, of 8-10 members, to exchange and document learning on the role of the social service workforce in transition from reliance on residential institutions to a focus on enabling family- and community-based care wherever possible.

UNICEF - ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

In this webinar, a new paper on strategies to prevent family separation is presented. Examples from Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda and Namibia are presented.

ECPAT International, PACT – Protect All Children from Trafficking, the UN Special Rapporteur on the sale, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children,

Protecting children in travel and tourism

Kelley Fong - The Guardian,

Each year, over 250,000 U.S. children enter foster care. This forcible family separation – among the most extreme and intrusive government actions – occurs much more often than many realize, particularly among Black and Native American families. A staggering one in eleven Black children and one in nine Native American children will be placed in foster care by the age of 18.

Yusra Ribhi Shawar, Jeremy Shiffman ,

This analysis investigates factors shaping the inadequate global prioritization of the care of vulnerable children.

John Kelly - The Imprint,

Biden administration recently cleared states to create a separate pathway.