
Displaying 13071 - 13080 of 14435

Street Action (Glynis Clacherty and Joe Walker),

Street Action and the Centre of African Studies has launched Including Street Children: A situational Analysis of Street Children, the first report of its kind documenting the physical and psychosocial health of street children in Durban, South Africa.

Florence Martin, Save the Children ,

This report reviews the role and practice of State-established child protection residential institutions in Indonesia focused on providing services for children defined as being in need of special protection under the Child Protection law, in particular child victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation including victims of trafficking.

ABC News Australia,

This video from ABC News Australia reports on a hospital in Japan that is taking in unwanted newborns from around the country, sparking debate on whether the hospital is helping mothers or encouraging abandonment.


In 2004 the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) projected a grim future for Swaziland as a consequence of the world's highest HIV prevalence rates. Although the nation is struggling, it is managing to cope.

Terre des Hommes,

En 2007, les adoptions au Népal ont été confrontées à une grande pression et de sévères critiques de la part de médias nationaux et internationaux sur des allégations de corruption et d’enfants vendus. Comme conséquence, nombre de pays européens prohibaient alors les adoptions au Népal.


Guidance for development and programming of child friendly spaces in emergencies.

Federal Ministry of Women's Affairs and Social Development ,

Guidelines developed to assure and improve the quality of services for the well being, protection and development of orphans and vulnerable children in Nigeria

Modern Ghana,

"Orphanaid Africa, a non-government organization (NGO) that sponsors families to care for orphans instead of taking them to orphanages, is calling on government to abolish orphanages in Ghana," says this article from Modern Ghana.


Particularly relevant to alternative care issues is the highlighted section on the Bulgarian experience of integrating advocacy, fundraising and communication in order to influence the deinstitutionalization of children without parental care in Bulgaria.