
Displaying 1311 - 1320 of 14428

United Nations,

У цьому звіті Незалежна міжнародна слідча комісія по Україні посилатиметься на висновки щодо подій наприкінці лютого та в березні 2022 року в чотирьох областях: Київській, Чернігівській, Харківській та Сумській, відповідно до вимог резолюції S-34/1 Ради з прав людини. 

United Nations,

В этом отчете Независимая международная комиссия по расследованию событий в Украине будет ссылаться на выводы о событиях в конце февраля и марте 2022 года в четырех областях: Киевской, Черниговской, Харьковской и Сумской, как того требует резолюция Совета по правам человека S-34/1.

United Nations,

In this report, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine will refer to findings about events during late February and March 2022 in the four regions of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Sumy, as requested by Human Rights Council resolution S-34/1. 

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

This was an interactive workshop organized and hosted by the Transitioning Residential Care Working Group as part of the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative Platform.


The war in Ukraine and rising inflation have driven an additional four million children across eastern Europe and Central Asia into poverty, a 19 per cent increase since 2021, according to a new UNICEF study published today.

Office of the President of Ukraine,

The "Children of War" platform was created on behalf of the Office of the President of Ukraine as a tool for finding children, rescuing them and liberating them from places of forced displacement or deportation.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

Learn how to use the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (CPMS) to improve the quality and accountability of children’s protection in humanitarian settings in this new free mini course.

Changing the Way We Care,

In this video, Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) speaks to Catholic audiences in the U.S. and around the world who have supported children in residential care facilities – sometimes referred to as “orphanages” - about the importance of supporting children to stay with their families or be reintegrated from residential care into family care. 

SAYes Alumni Group,

The purpose of this event series is to bring care-experienced people and supporters from all over the world together to connect, expand and create new ideas for change.  

Family for Every Child,

Join Family for Every Child's second in their series of three webinars focusing on mental health. Four Family for Every Child member organisations will share their experiences and perspectives, building on discussions from their last webinar.