
Displaying 1271 - 1280 of 14428

Thom Reilly, David Schlinkert,

In this cross-sectional comparative study, the authors assess the outcomes of emancipated youth in the U.S. after the initiation of an extended after care program and compare the results with the outcomes drawn from a prior study conducted twenty years earlier. Overall, young adults in the 2021 study fared significantly better than their 2001 counterparts.

Ruta Buivydaite , Apostolos Tsiachristas, Steve Thomas, Hannah Farncombe, Rafael Perera-Salazar, Ray Fitzpatrick, Charles Vincent,

In this paper, the authors describe a proposed programme of evaluation to examine the impact of a new approach to the welfare of children in England on the time they are in contact with services.

Diana Marre, Jessaca Leinaweaver,

This article explores the concept of solidaridad, considers its enduring currency in kinship discourse in Spain, and analyzes various case studies from the authors' respective research projects.

India Alternative Care Network,

The  FAQs document, Every Child’s Right to Family Life: Introduction to Family Strengthening and Alternative Care in India, compiled by the India Alternative Care Network (IACN) in collaboration with Hope and Homes for Children (HHC) and UNICEF, India, was launched at the Workshop on De-institutionalisation and Family Based Alternative Care organised by the Department of Women and Child Development, Govt. of Kerala, in collaboration with UNICEF, India. IACN and HHC are organising a webinar to talk about the  FAQs  document, its key components, and use.

Rozina Ali - New York Times,

Army Rangers killed her parents. A Marine is raising her in America. But her Afghan family says she was taken under false pretenses.

Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care,

SIRCC Online: 9 - 10 November 2022

Our aim for SIRCC is to provide an inspiring space for you. It’s a place to connect, share and learn practice, challenge and inspire.

NGO Panel on Children Deprived of Liberty,

Global Forum

Karin Brulliard - Washington Post,

PASCUA YAQUI INDIAN RESERVATION, Ariz. — Victor Cortez was just 5 months old when he was brought here from California by a tribal social worker, who placed the baby in the care of a relative after his mother was jailed for drug trafficking. Today, 16 and soft-spoken, Victor is a rising star among the Pascua Yaquis’ traditional dancers and is still living with that guardian, the only mother he’s ever known.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

The social service workforce plays an important role within social protection systems by connecting children, individuals, and families with a range of social services across sectors. Despite the increasing challenge of poverty and vulnerability exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict and climate change, as well as the increasing recognition of the role of social service workers, investments in strengthening the workforce remain low across most countries. This presentation aims to clarify the role of the social service workforce in the social protection system. It also outlines key considerations for strengthening the social service workforce in their integral role in delivering effective and efficient social protection programmes and services.