
Displaying 5721 - 5730 of 14440

Better Care Network,

In this video, Children in Families ABLE project practitioners discuss their key learning with respect to supporting caregivers to care for children, including the importance of managing stress and expectations, developing trusting relationships and taking a whole family approach to support.

Better Care Network,

In this video, Dy Noeut and Kim Malin of New Smile Organisation (NSO) discuss their experience of conducting family tracing as a part of reintegration efforts in the context of an unregistered orphanage where children’s files contained missing and inaccurate information.

Better Care Network,

In this video, Children in Families ABLE project practitioners speak to their experience and learning around recruiting foster families to care for children with disabilities, including the types of families to target and how to use role-modeling to address issues of stigma in the community.

Better Care Network,

In this video, Sreyna and Chenda, two practitioners from Hagar Cambodia, discuss their learning regarding the impact of the care setting on child rehabilitation.

Better Care Network,

In this two-part video series, Nou Dalin, part of the social work team with Cambodia Children's Trust (CCT), discusses her experience of working in partnership with the Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (DoSVY) to implement the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) Action Plan on Improving Childcare in Battambang Province in Cambodia.

Better Care Network,

In this video Children in Families social workers share their experience of using a cluster model to enhance the social support available to foster carers in Cambodia whilst reducing the demands placed on organisational resources.

Better Care Network,

In this two-part video series, Nou Dalin, part of the social work team with Cambodia Children's Trust (CCT), discusses her experience of working in partnership with the Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (DoSVY) to implement the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) Action Plan on Improving Childcare in Battambang Province in Cambodia.

Better Care Network,

This video shares some of the key learning from the pilot phase of Cambodian Children’s Trust Holistic Family Preservation Program in rural Cambodia.

Better Care Network,

This video shares insights from Angkor Hospital for Children on how to conduct family tracing in the event abandonment has already occurred, including identifying leads and key sources of information.

Better Care Network,

This video shares insights from the Angkor Hospital for Children social work unit’s key learning around what leads to abandonment, how to work with families to identify and solve underlying issues, how to engage and communicate with families and how to identify risk indicators for abandonment.