
Displaying 5761 - 5770 of 14440

Michael Fitzgerald - The Chronicle of Social Change,

"According to a new evaluation from a top research institute, New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) may have figured out one way to do that: Hire more case planners for foster youth," says this article from the Chronicle of Social Change.

Jack Losh - BBC News,

This article from BBC News tells the stories of two brothers who had lost their father in a raid on their village in the Central African Republic and who came into the care of local foster parents.

Sarni Maniar Berliana, et al - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aimed to identify the factors that affect the incidence rate of neglected children in Indonesia by considering the household effect.

Nicholas Thompson - Journal of Children's Services,

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the recommending of contact in special guardianship cases, and to provide data on what contact social workers are recommending, the factors they take into consideration, and the reasons for their decisions.

Sarni Maniar Berliana, et al - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study aimed to identify the factors that affect the incidence rate of neglected children in Indonesia by considering the household effect.

Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, Oxford University,

This report presents a Child Multidimensional Poverty Index (Child MPI) for Thailand.

Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, Oxford University,

This report presents a Child Multidimensional Poverty Index (Child MPI) for Thailand.

SPOON Foundation,

This advocacy brief from SPOON Foundation notes that successful nutrition interventions are not reaching the children who are at highest risk, including children without family care and children with disabilities, and outlines four key actions that can help to ensure that children without family care and children with disabilities have opportunities to grow and thrive.

Sara Josefna González y María Soledad Gomez - RELAF,

Este informe de RELAF resume las presentaciones y discusiones del Seminario Internacional 2019 de RELAF. 

Sara Josefna González and María Soledad Gomez - RELAF,

This report from RELAF summarizes the presentations and discussions from RELAF's 2019 International Seminar, "For the right to family and community life. Putting an end to the confinement of children deprived of parental care."