
Displaying 5751 - 5760 of 14440

Kristina Johansen, Ingunn Studsrød - International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,

The purpose of this paper is to address how young unaccompanied refugees in Norway actively engage in interpersonal relationships.

Helping Children Worldwide,

Helping Children Worldwide is hosting Rising Tides: The Future of Global Missions, on September 6-7, 2019 in Chantilly, Virginia, USA.

Human Rights Watch,

This article and accompanying video from Human Rights Watch outlines some of the flaws uncovered in the procedures of age assessment of unaccompanied minors in France’s Alpine region.

BBC News,

This video from BBC News tells the stories of mixed-race children in Africa who were separated from their mothers, taken from their countries of origin, and brought to live with "host families" in Belgium during the Belgian colonial period.

T Mensah, A Hjern, K Håkanson, P Johansson, A K Jonsson, T Mattsson, S Tranæus, B Vinnerljung, P Östlund, G Klingberg - Acta Paediatrica,

Decades of research confirm that children and adolescents in out‐of‐home care (foster family, residential care) have much greater healthcare needs than their peers. A systematic literature review was conducted to evaluate organizational healthcare models for this vulnerable group.

WNYC News,

This radio segment from WNYC describes a new audio-visual exhibition in New York City that tells the stories of 100 "former orphan" adoptees born in South Korea who are now adults living all over the world.

Priscilla Alvarez - CNN,

This article from CNN describes findings from new report outlining the impacts of family separation on migrant children in the US.

Leanna Byrne - BBC News,

This article from BBC News shines a light on the stories of some of the people who suffered abuse and mistreatment as children in Ireland's Catholic institutions and "industrial schools." 

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Learning and Development Working Group (LDWG) of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action has released the field testing version of the revised Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Competency Framework.

KTN News,

This video segment from The Lead exposes corruption and abuse within some of Kenya's children's homes.