
Displaying 5821 - 5830 of 14443


In this coaching session, leaders involved in donor fundraising will discuss what's working to transition donors, troubleshoot challenges, and address questions in a small group format.


UNICEF is seeking international expertise that could strengthen capacities of welfare agency and partners in the implementation of the pilot alternative care options in Chihuahua, in particular group homes and foster care for migrant, asylum seeking and refugee children.

Udayan Care, Tata Trusts & UNICEF,

This report on Aftercare is based on research on “Current Aftercare Practices” (CAP), with regard to Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP), under the Juvenile Justice (JJ) Act, 2015, conducted in five states of India: Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. It is about the status of Aftercare youth, or Care Leavers (CLs) transitioning from state care to adulthood in the wider community.

David Kirp - The Guardian,

In this opinion piece for the Guardian, David Kirp describes an initiative at Western Michigan University (WMU) in the United States to support foster youth in completing their university degrees.

Marianne Tevik Singstad, Jan Lance Wallander, Stian Lydersen, Lars Wichstrøm, Nanna Sønnichsen Kayed - Child & Family Social Work,

Social support may be of particular importance for vulnerable adolescents' development and health and can help them to cope with stressful life events. However, knowledge of perceived social support among adolescents in Residential Youth Care (RYC) is sparse. The present study therefore aimed to investigate perceived social support among adolescents in Norwegian RYC (N = 304, mean age 16.3 years, girls 57.2%), using a short form of the Social Support Questionnaire.

Elsbeth Neil, Lisanne Gitsels, June Thoburn - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper explores the usefulness of undertaking a longitudinal analysis of these data at local authority level to determine the care pathways for children entering care, differentiating by age at entry.

Stine Tankred Luckow - The Sociological Review,

This study draws on in-depth interviews with eight foster care couples and explores how foster carers construct practices around bodily care and touch in new foster care relationships.

Elsbeth Neil, Lisanne Gitsels, June Thobur - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper explores the usefulness of undertaking a longitudinal analysis of administrative data on children in care at local authority level to determine the care pathways for children entering care, differentiating by age at entry.

Samantha M. Brown, Rebecca Orsi, Pang Ching Bobby Chen - Child Maltreatment,

The aims of this study were to examine rates of reentry and risk factors associated with reentry into out-of-home care among children and youth involved in the child protection (reported for abuse/neglect) and youth-in-conflict (reported for behavioral issues) programs.

Samantha Hawley - ABC News,

This article from ABC News in Australia investigates the phenomenon of Australian and other foreign couples who "commission" surrogates in Ukraine, only to abandon the babies after they are born.