
Displaying 8231 - 8240 of 14477

Gissele Damiani-Taraba, Iona Sky, Dakota Hegler, Nicholas Woolridge, Blake Anderson & Andrew Koster - Child & Youth Services ,

This paper presents the results from a Youth Lead Project on the voices and participation of children in state care in Ontario Canada.


UNICEF is seeking a child protection consultant in Nigeria. 


UNICEF is seeking a Chief of Child Protection in Pakistan. 


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Liberia. 


UNICEF is seeking a National Consultant to support the periodic reporting of Albania to the Committee on the Rights of Child. 

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This webinar will review new case management resources developed by the Case Management Interest Group of the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance. 

Ainoa Mateos Inchaurrondo, Nuria Fuentes‐Peláez, Crescencia Pastor Vicente, Anna Mundet Bolós - Child & Family Social Work,

The quantitative study presented here contributes knowledge regarding the attitude of professionals towards positive parenting and child participation in professional support of families that are under temporary protection, with the goal of reunification.


This report from UNICEF assesses the world’s performance towards meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to date, focusing on 44 indicators that directly concern 2030’s most important constituency: children.

Abhishek Pandey, Kerry Littlewood, Larry Cooper, Julie McCrae, Michelle Rosenthal, Angelique Day, Liliana Hernandez - Journal of Women & Aging,

This study utilizes self-report data from one kinship navigator federal demonstration project, which used a randomized control trial, to examine demographic characteristics for grandmothers under and over 55 years of age, whether grandmother caregivers (≥55 years) improve family resilience, social support, and caregiver self-efficacy, and which interventions improved outcomes for grandmothers (≥55 years).

Miriam Schiff PhD, Rachel Dekel PhD, Ohad Gilbar MSW, Rami Benbenishty PhD - Child & Family Social Work,

This study examined the associations between exposure to armed conflict, perceived support, work experience, needing help, and post-traumatic distress among Israeli social workers in foster care agencies based on Conservation of Resources theory.