
Displaying 10041 - 10050 of 14401

International Detention Coalition,

This short animation tells the story of a young boy and girl forced to flee their homes, and how detention can be avoided in order to complete their migration status.

Samantha Chaitkin, Nigel Cantwell, Dr. Chrissie Gale, Dr. Ian Milligan, Catherine Flogothier, Claire O’Kane, Dr. Graham Connelly - European Union, CELCIS, SOS Children's Villages,

This synthesis report contains findings of a study that conducted research in six South and Central American, Asian and African countries for the purpose of gaining understanding of the nature, extent, and scope of institutionalization and the feasibility of deinstitutionlisation.

Opening Doors,

This infographic provides quick status reports on deinstitionalisation in the following countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Hungary, Poland and Romania.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

This resource guide reflects the theme of the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect’s 20th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, "Building Community, Building Hope," which was held in Washington, DC, in August 2016. 

Opening Doors,

This report from Opening Doors discusses the Opening Doors II pan-European campaign launched in Chisinau.  

The Fostering Network,

Key findings on the state of the United Kingdom’s foster care system by The Fostering Network note that although most foster carers say they want to continue caring for children, only 55% say that they would recommend it to others.

Opening Doors For Europe's Children,

The Bulgaria Country Fact Sheet provides short details on the state of institutional care in Bulgaria.

Tonito Espisito, Martin Chabot, David W. Rothwell, Nico Tocme, Ashleigh Delaye - Children and Youth Services Review,

In examining to what extent poverty reduction policies and family support services mitigate the risk factors associated with out-of-home placement, this study found that absolute poverty influences a child’s risk factors for out of home placement.

Karen Smith Rotabi and Nicole F. Bromfield,

Extracting on chronologic data, this book discusses the politics and practice of intercountry adoption starting with the state international adoption to in the 1950s continuing to present-day adoption practice and protections.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children and Save the Children,

This comprehensive report discusses progress made towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment of children, including by highlighting examples from individual states that have recently implemented legal and policy reforms.