
Displaying 4761 - 4770 of 14391

First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon,

In this video, the First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, issues a statement on the publication of the final report of the Scottish Independent Care Review.

Judith Masson, Ludivine Garside, Sean Jenney - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper explores the potential of data linkage to contribute to understanding interactions between care proceedings and care demand, the examination of changes in practice through the analysis of cohorts of children in the care system, or receiving services, and the provision of feedback to those working in the family justice system on the outcomes of care proceedings for children in the UK.

Shani Oppenheim‐Weller, Anat Zeira, Nofar Mazursky - Child & Family Social Work,

SafeCare® is a home‐based intervention programme targeting parents of children up to 5 years old and is designed to reduce and even prevent child abuse and neglect. This article presents an evaluation of a pilot trial of SafeCare® in Israel, examining family's outcomes.

Judith Masson, Ludivine Garside, Sean Jenney - Child & Family Social Work,

The Outcomes for children before and after care proceedings reform study linked administrative records with a research database of care proceedings to examine children's care and service journeys associated with care proceedings in England and Wales.

Lucy Adams - BBC News,

This article from BBC News presents the findings and recommendations of the Independent Scottish Care Review, which was welcomed by Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, upon its launch on 5 February 2020.

Alistair Grant - The Herald,

According to this article from the Herald, the Independent Scottish Care Review has calculated that the cost of the care system letting down children and their families is £1.6 billion.

Emma Seith - Tes Scotland,

This article from Tes highlights some of the key findings and recommendations from the Scottish Independent Care Review, which calls on "schools to stop excluding looked-after children and avoid reductions in these pupils' timetables that mean they are 'denied their rights to education,'” says the article.

The Independent Care Review,

These films show what the Independent Scottish Care Review learned from talking with children, young people, their families and carers.

After its launch, several organizations issued statements in support of the Scottish Independent Care Review and its call to action, outlining their commitment to ensuring the rights and wellbeing of children and families in Scotland and listening to their voices.

The Independent Care Review,

This Thank You is intended for the thousands of people who contributed to the Scottish Independent Care Review. It describes the process of the Care Review and lists the names of many of the organizations and individuals who were involved.